Rob Janssen


Making videos about electronics, I like to make stuff, I like to break stuff, I like to take things apart and I like to order everything electronics related from China. One of my most popular segment is InTheMail, these are videos where I show the electronic components or modules I order from websites like Aliexpress. Some people say my mailbag videos are some of the best on Youtube but I encourage you to check them out to see for yourself.

Ben Heck Hacks

This is the original Ben Heck YouTube channel. It contains videos of my older projects, as well as things I'm working on now that aren't always covered on the Ben Heck Show. Lots of cool gaming projects and pinball for you to check out - enjoy!

Quint BUILDs

My idea of fun is building difficult things and explaining them in a way that's easy to understand. If you'd like to know how I learned to make stuff (and talk about it) check out this video on my 2nd channel: If you like my stuff, subscribe and consider supporting the channel by becoming part of my "Quint-essential" support on Patreon: Patrons get early access to new videos and other perks. I only do per-creation subscriptions and recommend setting a monthly limit in case I upload more than once in a month (which will be rare). I also want to be able to take a month off without taking your money just because another month has passed! If instead you prefer a one-time donation option, here's a PayPal address you can use: BUILD2LRN@GMAIL.COM Thanks for watching... –Quint


Je wordt opgelicht. Een influencer levert jouw product niet. Een huisjesmelker maakt misbruik van de markt en jaagt jou op extra kosten. Je mag ergens homo zijn, maar niet homo doen. Je baas intimideert je op de werkvloer. Er moet een wet veranderen die jou en jouw leven in de weg zit. Het moet anders. Kortom: je bent boos! Weet ons dan te vinden, want wij helpen jou graag met grote én kleine problemen. Ook boos? Of wil je klokkenluiden? Mail ons op! Op dinsdag om 16:00 uur op dit kanaal.

Defpom's Electronics Repair

I do electronics repair, fix test equipment from Fluke, HP, Agilent, Keysight, Boonton, Rohde & Schwarz, Racal-Dana, Philips, Marconi, and many more, as well as doing other general electronics repairs on whatever I get on my bench. I am keen to work with brands to review products, so get in touch (I will only reply to brand owned email addresses, no gmail etc. there are too many scammers out there) I do reviews, mailbag, projects, Arduino, CB radio, and fix electronics, or show anything that I happen to be fiddling with. I believe repairing items and not contributing to a wasteful throw away society is essential, I want to work with companies that support repair, such as Keysight, Fluke, or any other manufacturer that publishes service manuals and diagrams, or that provide repair parts (so no, not you Apple) ! I upload new videos every week, so SUBSCRIBE and click the BELL ! Anyone into radio will probably know my website: Thanks for watching! Scott.

there oughta be

…a blog with awesome projects. A collection of overcomplicated devices nobody needs. A sanctum for all the things that did not get living room clearance, but oughta be seen by fellow nerds.


Hello and welcome to my channel. Some people know me under the nickname scorp in the community and here I do repairs, reviews and experiments with a hardware, which used to be dead for many years. If you are interested in related topics, please feel free to take a look. If you like my channel and would like to see it growing, please help me to make it more popular, don't forget to leave your feedback and consider to subscribe or even to share it with your friends. Retro hardware seems to get more and more expensive and hard to find. Even scrap and replacement parts do cost a lot now. So if you would like to give this channel even more support, pleas take a look at my Patreon account. DISCLAIMER: I am in no way an experienced hardware developer. All you see on my channel, the DIY projects, the repairs, everything is just my hobby. So always take it with a grain of salt and please never see this channel as a tutorial.

Dave Poo 2

I make videos about Retro computers like the Amiga and C64. Also doing some Retro live streams.


I'm Brian Haidet - PhD in Materials Science, but I'd also describe myself as artist, maker, and Hawaiian shirt enthusiast. On this channel, You'll find my side projects and favorite physics demos - I hope you enjoy!

This list of subscriptions and likes is just that, stuff I subscribed to or liked on YouTube. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the videos or channels.

This list is compiled from my YouTube subscriptions and likes.