Vintage synthesizer and gaming devices hacks and emulation. Digital archaeology and research on sound chips. Lead design and research on Plogue chipsynths, chipspeech, chipsounds, and chipcrusher. Montreal ·
Whistleblower? Insider Information? Anonymous Tip? 👉
Welcome to CLMC Music! Join me on my journey on YouTube and listen to some of the most famous songs ever in awesome mashups, remixes and covers. All the songs on this channel are played on my Korg Kronos 61 and Korg Kronos 88 synths. The channel is updated frequently. Now enjoy my videos and take a trip to famous movie and tv themes and pop songs. #clmcmusic #korgkronos #piano #synth #mashups #remix #cover #songmashups #songcovers #pianocovers #synthcover
Hey! We're Evan & Katelyn and this is where we upload misc content that doesn't quite fit on our other channels. Which are... 🛠️ Our main channel 🎨 Our uncut channel (live craft streams) 🎮 Out gaming uncut channel 🎮 Our gaming channel Below is our mailing address. If you're a business, please do NOT send unsolicited products: Evan and Katelyn 215 W Bandera Rd Ste 114-240 Boerne, TX 78006
Crazy awesome inventions by Jake Laser. If you have any cool project ideas that you would like to learn how to make, contact me at For business please contact the email below.
I make projects about what makes me tick. I'm into digital fabrication, 3D printing, electronics, woodworking, instrument making, metalworking, and anything geeky in general. I'll try to give as much info as possible about my projects so anyone can try an replicate. Hope you like my projects, don't forget to subscribe to be updated about my new contraptions!
Best friends since 1984. Send fan mail/donations to: The Taylor and Amy Show #79 1910 Madison Avenue Memphis TN 38104
I stole a spaceship that I don't know how to use and now I need to fix it part by part. By that I mean, I'm a complete novice learning how to build things with Arduino. Accept my transmission request if you're an unprofessional space pirate like me who wants to view a tutorial that won't make you feel like you're in completely over your head.
This list of subscriptions and likes is just that, stuff I subscribed to or liked on YouTube. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the videos or channels.
This list is compiled from my YouTube subscriptions and likes.