Rob Janssen

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Turning My ESP32 into a DNS Sinkhole to Fight Doomscrolling

JWT Authentication with .NET 9 🚀 Full Course with Roles, JSON Web Tokens & Refresh Tokens

🚀 Make 2025 count! Join the .NET Web Academy here: --- 📑 Get the complete Source Code here: 00:00 - Introduction 02:24 - Creating the User Entity 05:23 - Adding a Data Transfer Object (DTO) 06:37 - Building the Authentication Controller 08:59

The Correct Way to Run Database Migrations

Subscribe to Gui: Get the source code: Become a Patreon and get special perks: Hello, everybody. I'm Nick and in this video, @gui.ferreira will show you how to properly run your datab

The Simplest Way to Add Keycloak Authentication to Your .NET API

Want to master Clean Architecture? Go here: Want to unlock Modular Monoliths? Go here: Join a community of 1000+ .NET developers: Learn how to secure your .NET API with Keycloak authentication in the most straightf

How to Think About Time

Time is what keeps everything from happening at once. —Ray Cummings It’s hard to write much code without encountering the need for when.

Your REST API Errors Are Wrong. Problem Details Will Fix This

Want to master Clean Architecture? Go here: Want to unlock Modular Monoliths? Go here: Join a community of 1000+ .NET developers: Learn why your REST API error responses might confuse your users and developers. Dis

C# Minimal APIs Quickly Get Messy - Clean Them Up!

Minimal APIs start small and fast but rarely stay that way for longer than a day in development. Is your Minimal API component becoming... non-minimal, too? From configuring services over mapping endpoints to grouping routes, this video demonstrates the whole process of separating the Minimal API pr

Implementing an API Gateway For Microservices With YARP

Large Microservice-based systems can consist of tens or even hundreds of individual services. A client application needs to have all of this information to be able to make requests to the relevant microservice directly.

What Is .NET Aspire and Why Is Everyone Talking About It?

Heard about .NET Aspire but have no clue what it is, and what it can do for you? Let me show you exactly what you have been missing out on! Don’t let all the buzzwords scare you. It’s a lot easier than it may sound. Throughout this video we will explore the different parts of what makes .NET As

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.