Rob Janssen

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Turning My ESP32 into a DNS Sinkhole to Fight Doomscrolling

The Correct Way to Run Database Migrations

Subscribe to Gui: Get the source code: Become a Patreon and get special perks: Hello, everybody. I'm Nick and in this video, @gui.ferreira will show you how to properly run your datab

How to Think About Time

Time is what keeps everything from happening at once. —Ray Cummings It’s hard to write much code without encountering the need for when.

The Right Way To Return API Errors in .NET

Use code PATTERNS20 at checkout to get 20% off our 3 Design Patterns in C# Bundles: Subscribe to my weekly newsletter: Become a Patreon and get special perks: Hello, everybody. I'm Nick, and in this video, I will sh

Advanced Breakpoints and Tracepoints in C#

A significant portion of a developer's job is to debug code. Figure out what is going wrong and fix it. Being efficient at debugging is a huge benefit to any developer, regardless of your skill level. One of the key features of debugging is knowing how to use breakpoints. Now you probably know how

Here Is the Most Powerful EF Core Configuration Technique

We only apply a handful of principles when configuring Entity Framework Core to persist a complex domain model: Property mapping, value conversions, complex types mapping, and the like. Out of these, value conversions are often overlooked. Yet, value conversions are by far the most helpful technique

The Best .NET REST API Client You Didn't Know About

Get the source code for this video for FREE ? ?? Master the Modular Monolith Architecture: ?? Accelerate your Clean Architecture skills: ?? Support me on Patreon to access the source code: https://www.pat

zoxide has forever improved the way I navigate in the terminal.

For the longest time, I've used cd exclusively for navigating in the terminal. However, when it comes to nested directories, the only way to speed this up was to either use aliases or my shell history. Since discovering zoxide, that's all changed... Links: zoxide:

Stow has forever changed the way I manage my dotfiles

Managing dotfiles used to be a challenge, and despite numerous guides it was always more complex than I liked to. That was before I discovered GNU Stow, which has simplified the management of dotfiles, considerably. # Links - GNU Stow: - Video Repo: https://githu

The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!)

There Ain’t No Such Thing As Plain Text. It does not make sense to have a string without knowing what encoding it uses. You can no longer stick your head in the sand and pretend that “plain” text is ASCII.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.