Why be a junior analyst when you could be a senior software engineer with a few simple bash tricks?? Find out more about this other Unix commands using your system's "man" command. Music: "Straight" from www.bensound.com
Why Linux’s biggest ever kernel release is really no big dealWhen the Linux 5.8 Release Candidate opened for testing recently, the big news wasn’t so much what was in it, but its size. As Linus Torvalds himself noted, “despite not really having any single thing that stands out … 5.8 looks to be one of our biggest releases of all time.”
Stop Misusing Logical FallaciesIn the comments sections of my debunking videos, people make accusations about specific logical fallacies which only demonstrate that they have no clue what this terminology means. The most common ones are ad hominem, straw man, and argument from authority. It is quite irritating to hear hundreds of
Megahertz, Gigahertz, Registers and Instructions: How does a CPU actually work? - Kendall MillerDon't forget to check out our links below! https://ndcoslo.com/ https://ndcconferences.com/ For decades, we’ve been creating ever higher abstractions between ourselves and the computing hardware we’re programming, but in the end whether you’re writing JavaScript, Haskell, or Python it all com
.NET Core Console App with Dependency Injection, Logging, and Settings.NET Core has brought a lot of great benefits right into the .NET language. We get dependency injection, a much better configuration system, and we get a common logging system that is easy to use. The only problem is that mainly, we only get these things set up for us in web environments. What happe
Things You Want to Do in Git and How to Do ThemGit is a very powerful tool, but infamously it's also a very confusing one. And that has additional effects on how developers use it.
My mission to (almost) eliminate code commentsLong thought impossible, Heydon Pickering has found a way to replicate the idea of container queries using a cool CSS trick / hack using a clever combination of flex-wrap, flex-basis, and flex-grow. It's a really powerful trick. We'll still need media queries for stuff, but this could prove to be r
Return Early PatternWhen I learned about programming, the basic thought process that I had when creating a function was to validate the corresponding requirements until reaching the result. What can be observed in this approach?
Next Level GitHub Profile README (NEW) | How To Create An Amazing Profile ReadMe With GitHub Actions?? Sign up for my newsletter to stay up-to-date on my new course: https://codestackr.com Finally, your GitHub profile page is useful! No more boring profile. Customize it with a new feature! I'm going to show you how to create an amazing GitHub profile README and take it to the next level. We a
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.