Rob Janssen

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ASP.NET Core Beyond the Basics - Chris Klug

Don't forget to check out our links below! There are a lot of “getting started” talks in the ASP.NET Core world, but they won’t take you very far in the real world. What if you already know what the Startup class does, how configuration is han

How SHA-2 Works Step-By-Step (SHA-256)

SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2), of which SHA-256 is a part, is one of the most popular hashing algorithms out there. In this article, we are going to break down each step of the algorithm as simple as we can and work through a real-life example by hand.

12V/60A power supply (PSU) for 20 dollars? Unbelievable, but true. And high quality.

We want DC power! For Neopixels, for example. Or for battery charging. Or for radio stations. Our power supply has to be strong and stable. Strong means in this case: More than 60 amperes at 12 volts or so. And, these days, it also has to be good for the environment. But it should cost less than 20

Why isn't SQLite more commonly used for save files or for other user-facing application file formats?

About 8 years ago, we were designing a new routing application at my company, we were migrating a monolithic application running on TPF to be distributed and run on off-the-shelves Linux servers. The subject came upon of what format to use for the configuration.

A Linux Dev Environment on Windows with WSL 2, Docker Desktop and More

An overview of all of the tools I use on Windows 10 / WSL 2 to have a productive dev environment. Hit the subscribe button to receive more videos like this! --- Timestamps: 1:45 Using the PowerToys app launcher 3:22 Using the new Microsoft Terminal 4:33 Installing and getting set up with WSL 2 u

The radix 2^51 trick

Do you remember how to do long addition on paper? Starting from the “ones” position, we add 6 + 6 = 12, write down a 2 and carry a 1. We proceed to the left, one position at a time, until there are no more digits to add.

Question: How does git detect renames?

I teach a Mobile Software Development class. My students ask excellent questions. If I cannot answer a question thoroughly, concisely, and accurately on the spot, I defer and answer after class in a follow-up. This is one such question.

Welcome to C# 9.0

C# 9.0 is taking shape, and I’d like to share our thinking on some of the major features we’re adding to this next version of the language. With every new version of C# we strive for greater clarity and simplicity in common coding scenarios, and C# 9.0 is no exception.

ESP32 Secrets: Interrupts, and Deep-Sleep under the Hood

Do you need speedy reactions and simple coding? Then, interrupts are a good thing to use. And, because interrupts have things in common with deep-sleep, we will also dig into that topic. And we will find some “Secrets of the ESP32”. For sure, we will look “under its hood.” I am a proud Patre


This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.