Rob Janssen

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Why I Left the .NET Framework

The .NET Framework was good. Really good. Until it wasn't. Why did I leave .

Stuff that every programmer should know: Data Visualization

If you're a programmer and you don't have visualization as one of your main tools in your belt, then good news, you just found how to easily improve your skill set. Really it should be taught in any programming course.

What are the best practices with multithreading in C#?

For a while I have been interested in seeing if some tasks work well when split across multiple threads. On the one project I have been busy with I have been creating a lot of small utility apps, to do single tasks for me, so this morning while modifying one I thought I would give it a try.

The Worst Programming Interview Question

Years ago, I wrote about a particular type of interview question that I despise. Today I'd like to discuss a much more specific question, rather than a type.

How The Rainbow Color Map Misleads

Colors are perhaps the visual property that people most often misuse in visualization without being aware of it. Variations of the rainbow colormap are very popular, and at the same time the most problematic and misleading.

Visualizing Algorithms

June 26, 2014Mike BostockVisualizing Algorithms The power of the unaided mind is highly overrated… The real powers come from devising external aids that enhance cognitive abilities. —Donald Norman Algorithms are a fascinating use case for visualization.

Please Calculate This Circle’s Circumference

It sounds like the sort of question you might get in the first week of a C++ programming class. And yet. This question is filled with subtlety if you dig into it. Let’s try some solutions.

Raising Lazarus - The 20 Year Old Bug that Went to Mars

Twenty Years Old It's rare that you come across a bug so subtle that it can last for two decades. But, that's exactly what has happened with the Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer (LZO) algorithm.

Stop Unit Testing Database Code

Writing tests that use an actual database is hard. Now that this has been established, let’s have a look at a blog post by Marco Behler, in which he elaborates on various options when testing database code, with respect to transactionality.

Debunking the LZ4 "20 years old bug" myth

A recent post on a security blog has claimed that LZ4 is affected by a subtle bug which could result in remote code execution on basically any machine using LZ4 algorithm.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.