A finely honed bullshit detector is a benefit to everyone. Let’s try a hypothetical conversation to test yours! If it’s not malfunctioning, you should feel your bullshit detector tingling right now.
Forgot Password?Let's take a hike on the coast from San Francisco to Los Angeles to visit our friends in Newport Beach. I'll whip out my map and draw our route down the coast: The line is about 400 miles long; we can walk 4 miles per hour for 10 hours per day, so we'll be there in 10 days.
Synergy: Integer Overflow, Key Reuse, IV ReuseSynergy is a software that lets you share your mouse and keyboard between multiple computers. Until recently, it didn't have any support for encryption, which left users' keystrokes and mouse movements vulnerable to sniffing on the local network.
Crypto FailsWhat are Initialization Vectors and how should they be exchanged? tl;dr: The Initialization Vector (IV) is an unpredictable random number used to make sure that when the same message is encrypted twice, the ciphertext always different. It should be exchanged, in public, as part of the ciphertext.
Code and Things : How to Write Deprecated CodeLike any developer tool vendor, we at NDepend are eating our own dogfood. In other words, we use NDepend to develop NDepend. Most of default code rules are activated in our development, and they are preventing us daily from all sorts of problems. It is all about regression.
The 7-bit Internet · The Accidental BusinessmanWhen I first started digging into the bowels of the Internet, I was fascinated by how many of its protocols—like HTTP and SMTP, for example—were entirely text based. At first, this struck me as a very odd thing; text is inefficient, and machines, not humans, are meant to interpret protocols.
Designing a Network ProtocolIn this article, I look at constructing the communication protocol for a personal area network. The network consists of low-power nodes that capture physiological data from sensors and condition it before sending it to a central node for processing.
js-sequence-diagramsLast week we were discussing, among many other things, ways to speed up Firefox during startup. One obvious option was to move more of our I/O off of the main thread. This in turn involves making more code asynchronous, and asynchronous code is simply harder to manage.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.