Inevitably, the unexpected happens. A historically low-traffic channel brings in 10x the normal amount of users. Or your user login rate drops by half. In either case, these are important events that are easy to miss in a sea of data.
Timezone updates need to be fixedFortunately, the technology for keeping planes airborne receive more attention that the information systems for passengers.In October I went to ElixirConf to talk about time and timezones. One of the things I talked about was keeping timezone data up to date.
Avoid adding a new library to the project — MediumSuppose, you need to implement an X functionality in your project. Theorists of software development will say that you have to take the already existing library Y, and use it to implement the things you need. Suppose, you need to implement an X functionality in your project.
How to handle money and currency conversionsMost of the bugs and unnecessary complexity that come from working with financial data in a computer program can be reduced or eliminated by creating a simple Money data-type that enforce the top three rules of dealing with dosh: The Most Important Rules for handing Money in Computer Programs 1:
Dominick Baier - Securing ASP.NET Web APIsMicrosoft’s new framework for writing RESTful web services and web APIs is appropriately enough called ASP.NET Web API. As the name applies, this technology is part of ASP.NET and also inherits its well-known security architecture. But in addition it also supports a number of new extensibility poi
Stuff in SpaceStuff in Space requires WebGL and Web Worker support.
No, I Don't Want To Configure Your App!Table of Contents There seems to be a very interesting trend re-emerging in software development lately, influenced by Node’s philosophy, perhaps, where to use anything at all you first need to install a dozen of “dependencies,” spend the next 10 hours configuring it, pray to whatever gods (
Using Universe SandboxWhat is Universe Sandbox? At it's core, Universe Sandbox is a gravity simulator (that very intentionally happens to be fun and easy to use).Check out the "what is it?" page for more info. What does it look like? Check out the video preview, user videos, or view screenshots of the program in action.
When did we stop caring about memory management?This post is neither a rant nor a complaint, but rather, an observation. There's some amazing work happening over in the C#-based Kestrel web server. This is an little open source webserver that (currently) sits on libuv and lets you run ASP.NET web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About SSL (but Were Afraid to Ask)Or perhaps more accurately, “practical things I’ve learned about SSL”.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.