Rob Janssen

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The Power of Power Cycling

An electrical engineer, a mechanical engineer, and a software engineer are riding in a car on their way to a conference. The car’s brakes fail on a hill; but luckily the engineers are able to pull the car to the side without anyone getting hurt.

Did I Remember To

[29 Mar 2010: An expanded and annotated version of this is available on my website at

Doing Terrible Things To Your Code

In 1992, I thought I was the best programmer in the world. In my defense, I had just graduated from college, this was pre-Internet, and I lived in Boulder, Colorado working in small business jobs where I was lucky to even hear about other programmers much less meet them.

Why Index Fragmentation Doesn't Matter in SQL Server

Are you still rebuilding all of your indexes every week, but you're still having performance problems. Odds are, you're not actually making things better -- ...

Project Code Rush - The Beginnings of Netscape / Mozilla Documentary

Code Rush is a documentary following the lives of a group of Netscape engineers in Silicon Valley. It covers Netscape's last year as an independent company, from their announcement of the Mozilla open source project until their acquisition by AOL. It particularly focuses on the last minute rush to m

Cloud and Devops: eliminating an entire layer of assholes

I've been in quite a few gigantic enterprises. Medical, Insurance, Retail, Government, you name it. Without exception, in every one of these organizations the infrastructure teams function as blights upon innovation and adaptability, and impose unreasonable costs and delays.

New Theory of ECC

Error correction coding (ECC) is the use of an algorithm to encode data such that introduced errors can be detected and corrected based on the remaining data. The study of error correcting codes and the associated mathematics is known as coding theory.

UI Mechanics of a Date Picker

Choosing dates using a date picker has been one of the most commonly followed design trends across a plethora of websites. In order to make this process a lot more intuitive and seamless I decided to work on a few different options for picking dates.

Software Needs Seatbelts and Airbags — Medium

Finding and fixing bugs is difficult and time-consuming: there is a better way. Like death and taxes, buggy code is an unfortunate fact of life. Nearly every program ships with known bugs, and probably all of them end up with bugs that are only discovered post-deployment.

The Strange Appeal of Watching Coders Code

Legions of programmers now stream their work on, a site that turns their lonely labor into something more like a party.The camera does not love computer programming. OK, it’s worse: The camera runs screaming in horror from anything resembling programming.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.