This video visually demonstrates some basic quantum physics concepts using the simple case of a free particle. All the simulations here are based on real equations and laws. See more information here: mathematics involved was taken from this excellent book
Fundamentals of Fast Bulk IOThe simplest way for a program to read/write a chunk of file is to allocate a buffer for the data, issue a request to the OS and then sit there and wait until it is fullfiled. Once the data is in (or out), proceed to the next step.
Writing good code: how to reduce the cognitive load of your codeLow bug count, good performance, easy modification. Good code is high-impact, and is perhaps the main reason behind the existence of the proverbial 10x developer. And yet, despite it’s importance, it eludes new developers.
Many SQL Performance Problems Stem from “Unnecessary, Mandatory Work”Probably the most impactful thing you could learn about when writing efficient SQL is indexing. A very close runner-up, however, is the fact that a lot of SQL clients demand tons of “unnecessary, mandatory work” from the database.
How Modern SQL Databases Come up with Algorithms that You Would Have Never Dreamed Of by Lukas EderSQL is the only ever successful, mainstream, and general-purpose 4GL (Fourth Generation Programming Language) and it is awesome!With modern cost based optimisation, relational databases like Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL finally keep up to the promise of a powerful declarative programming model by
How many floating-point numbers are in the interval [0,1]?Most commodity processors support single-precision IEEE 754 floating-point numbers. Though they are ubiquitous, they are often misunderstood.
When everything you know is wrong, part twoMyth: Keeping a reference to an object in a variable prevents the finalizer from running while the variable is alive; a local variable is always alive at least until control leaves the block in which the local was declared.
When everything you know is wrong, part oneFinalizers are interesting and dangerous because they are an environment in which everything you know is wrong. I’ve written a lot about the perils of C# finalizers / destructors (either name is fine) over the years, but it’s scattered in little bits over the internet.
Four Column ASCIII found this gem on Hacker News the other day. User soneil posted to a four column version of the ASCII table that blew my mind. I just wanted to repost this here so it is easier to discover.
Coding Explained in 25 Profound Comics — Free Code Camp — MediumWe asked our open source community to share the comics they found most profoundly described coding, via our news site. Here are their 25 most upvoted comics. We can’t help you learn to code in 21 days, but if you can budget a year of nights and weekends, give us a try:
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.