Rob Janssen

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Using assertions

This post is a response to my recent encounters with fellow programmers who appear to me to be missing the point of assertions and fail to appreciate their usefulness.

I don't need your permission!

Permissions on Android are tricky to get right from a user perspective. Usually you only want to do something minor and innocuous (pre-fill a form with a contact's info) but the actual permission you have to request gives you much more power than necessary (access to ALL contact details, ever).

Entity Framework 7 Not Recommend for ASP.NET 4

Version 7 of Entity Framework represents a major redesign of the 6-year-old ORM. As we reported back in May, the framework is targeting a wide variety of platforms including “traditional .NET Framework applications (WPF, WinForms, Console, and ASP.NET 4), Phone/Store/Universal, and ASP.NET 5 (a.k.

Java Generics and Inheritance (Part 1)

When you use a compile-time typed language, like Java, you expect that types in each variable will help you by restricting the possibilities for a value. Instead of being able to do everything, you want to do things that are valid in your domain.

Kevin William Pang

Introductory-level programming courses teach students to comment early and often. And while this may be a useful practice during programming infancy (when even the simplest line of code can be incomprehensible), many programmers never bother to shake the habit.


If you are anything like me, you first learned computer programming for fun. Your first program might have been a "Hello World" program.

4 HTTP Security headers you should always be using

What started as a dream for a worldwide library of sorts, has transformed into not only a global repository of knowledge but also the most popular and widely deployed Application Platform: the World Wide Web.

How many rhymes are there in English?

I’ve always enjoyed word play, puns, double dactyls, spoonerisms but especially rhymes. I’ve actually written 2 books of poetry for my wife.

Simplicity and Utility, or, Why SOAP Lost

In the middle of 2000, SOAP - an XML-based messaging protocol - started to rise in popularity as a communication protocol for distributed computing. By 2004, there were dozens of SOAP implementations in as many languages, including all of the most popular ones, such as Java, C/C++, .

Real Life Tron on an Apple IIgs

One of my favorite movies as a kid was Tron, the early 1980's film about a computer programmer who gets “digitized” and sucked into a computer world inhabited by personified computer programs.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.