Rob Janssen

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A Stupid Comment

Paul worked for a branch of the Defence Department in Australia, writing reams of C++ using the standard template libraries on a Linux box. On a typical afternoon, Paul checked some code into CVS with a comment: Fixed bug 7551, see issue report 2119. Tinky Winky is my favourite Teletubby.

Non-Properties of floating point numbers

I recently received a customer question that boiled down to the oft-encountered binary floating point inexact representation issue. They were rather troubled that basic identities normal to numbers did not apply to floating point arithmetic.

How unreliable is UDP?

I realized something recently: I know virtually nothing about UDP. Oh, I know it's connectionless, has no handshaking and thus doesn't provide any guarantees about delivery or ordering. But, in practice, what does that actually mean?

Everything Is Broken — The Message — Medium

Once upon a time, a friend of mine accidentally took over thousands of computers. He had found a vulnerability in a piece of software and started playing with it. In the process, he figured out how to get total administration access over a network.

How I stole source code with Directory Indexing and Git

The keys to the kingdom pretty much always come down to acquiring source code for the web application you’re attacking from a blackbox perspective.

Programming Sucks

Every friend I have with a job that involves picking up something heavier than a laptop more than twice a week eventually finds a way to slip something like this into conversation: "Bro,1 you don't work hard. I just worked a 4700-hour week digging a tunnel under Mordor with a screwdriver."

Docker Cache: Friend or Foe?

Docker is a new container technology that is taking Devops by storm, with many companies moving their applications from running in virtual machines (VMs) over to containers. What does Docker do? It allows you to run many containers on the same host without them interfering with each other.

Line by Line

In the bowels of a business unit, a director got a great deal on a third party software package. He bought it, without talking to corporate IT, and then was upset when it couldn’t gracefully integrate with any of the corporate IT assets.

Why we aren’t using the Gmail API (yet)

When Google announced the new Gmail API in June, we were excited to switch. The new API promised to fix our biggest problem with IMAP: the lack of read-only permissions.

Cryptic genetic variation in software: hunting a buffered 41 year old bug

In genetics, cryptic genetic variation means that a genome can contain mutations whose phenotypic effects are invisible because they are suppressed or buffered, but under rare conditions they become visible and subject to selection pressure.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.