Rob Janssen

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Expert to Expert: Erik Meijer and Bertrand Meyer - Objects, Contracts, Concurrency, Sleeping Barbers

Bertrand Meyer is a programming language guru, computer scientist and arguably the uncle of object oriented programming . Bertrand created the Eiffel programming language.

Half an operating system: The triumph and tragedy of OS/2

It was a cloudy Seattle day in late 1980, and Bill Gates, the young chairman of a tiny company called Microsoft, had an appointment with IBM that would shape the destiny of the industry for decades to come. He went into a room full of IBM lawyers, all dressed in immaculately tailored suits.

A Year’s Worth of Opinions about Objective-C

About one year ago, I was placed on my first Objective-C project: porting RedPhone from Android to iOS. My part of RedPhone (the backend: audio, networking, crypto) has been done for about a month now.

Are Your Programmers Working Hard, Or Are They Lazy?

When people are doing a physical task, it’s easy to assess how hard they are working. You can see the physical movement, the sweat. You also see the result of their work: the brick wall rising, the hole in the ground getting bigger.

Data centers – Google Data centers

When you're on a Google website (like right now), you're accessing one of the most powerful server networks in the known Universe. But what does that actually look like? Here's your chance to see inside what we're calling the physical Internet.

Probable C# 6.0 features illustrated

Adam Ralph has a list of the probable C# 6.0 features Mads Torgersen from the C# design team covered at new Developers Conference() NDC 2013 in London. Shorter way to write a constructor that automatically assigns to private instance variables.

How do I configure the timeout used by UI0Detect (Interactive Services Detection service)?

Windows Vista introduced Session 0 Isolation which enforces the rule that services should not display UI.

Self-Imposed Complexity

Even with a basic bar chart there are often embellishments that detract from the purpose of the chart, but increase the amount of interface for creating them and code to draw them: bars with gradients or images, drop shadows, unnecessary borders. Edward Tufte has deemed these chartjunk.

Celinio's technical blog

Useful posters of the GoF patterns Categories: Design Patterns

Reddit’s empire is founded on a flawed algorithm

Reddit has a bug in their code. This bug is currently present in their production platform, and has been for years. It affects one of the most important algorithms in the entire site, the “Hot” ranking algorithm for link popularity. It has real, demonstrable negative effects.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.