You've learned about the new features that shipped with C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0. Your team may have created plans to adopt major new features. That's great, but there are many small changes you can make to be more productive every day. In this talk, you'll see several new practices we're adopting.
woltapp/blurhashBlurHash is a compact representation of a placeholder for an image.
Effective Microservice Communication and Conversation Patterns - Jimmy BogardOrchestration or Choreography? Sagas or process manager? REST, RPC or Events? Are we just making this all up as we go along? Once we move away from a single process to many services and processes, we immediately hit the problem that our services need to communicate with each other. The architect ma
Solving Tricky Coordination Problems in Stateless .NET Services - Loris CroDeveloping modern, service-oriented architectures requires that our services become stateless to enable horizontal scalability. ASP.NET helps in doing so with IDistributedCache, but caching is only one of many new coordination problems. In this session I will present how to approach some coordinati
Machine Learning for .NET developers - Olia GavryshMachine Learning becomes available and easy for .NET developers. Now you don’t have to learn a new language (such as Python or R) and gain a data scientist degree. This is an introductory talk where I’ll provide some machine learning basics and show how you can easily start using machine learni
From WCF to gRPC - Mark RendlegRPC is a high-performance messaging protocol that is ideal for communication between microservices and other clients on internal networks. It's the ideal replacement for WCF or .NET Remoting, which are not supported on .NET Core. In this talk, I'll explain the different models that gRPC enables, f
.NET Core Data Security : Hope is not a Strategy - Stephen HauntsNot encrypting your data is a risky move and just relying on hope that you won't get hacked and compromised is not a strategy. As a software developer you have a duty to your employer to secure and protect their data. In this talk, you will learn how to use the .NET Framework to protect your data to
Modern Web Vulnerabilities 2020 - Erlend OftedalAt NDC Security two years ago we looked at some of the lesser known web application vulnerabilities that were arising in popularity due to bug bounty programs. In this talk we will look at what has happened since then. We will discuss some recurring and some newer vulnerabilities that have surfaced
Common API Security Pitfalls - Philippe De RyckI always list this talk as an option, as it remains very popular at many conferences. It also draws a full room each time. The shift towards an API landscape indicates a significant evolution in the way we build applications. The rise of JavaScript and mobile applications have sparked an explosion o
The Internet of Pwned Things - Troy HuntIf it connects, it can be pwned! As much as we may love IoT, it introduces all new vulnerabilities in places we've never before seen them. We're collecting classes of data that have never been digitised before, storing it on the cloud and opening up control of devices to potentially anyone with an i
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.