Cars with built-in modems are sending data to their manufacturers – German motorist's club ADAC wanted to know what exactly gets sent. c't connected ADAC with a specialist who analysed the data transmissions, using the example of BMW's ConnectedDrive technology.
Programmer Momentum — On Coding — MediumI have been struggling for the past month with my productivity. I feel like I’m not getting enough done in general. I started to explore this and figure out what’s going on at work or otherwise that is preventing me from actually making decent progress on my projects.
A Software Engineer’s Adventures In Learning MathematicsGet your fundamentals on lock so that you can start getting into the ill advanced shit. This is universally applicable.?—?Earl Sweatshirt Recently I’ve been working my way through several lower-division undergraduate math textbooks.
What Every Programmer Should Know About Compiler OptimizationsHigh-level programming languages offer many abstract programming constructs such as functions, conditional statements and loops that make us amazingly productive. However, one disadvantage of writing code in a high-level programming language is the potentially significant decrease in performance.
Minimal perfect hashing with Pearson hashesTheir trick: instead of constructing the whole perfect hash function at once, use a normal hash h(key) to split the 200 zillion keys into a zillion buckets with about 200 keys each.
C#: Inconsistent behavior of equalityLearning AngularJS; Guide for beginners: In C# equality is quite confusing, you might see many cases where obvious thing result in an unexpected result. Here are some cases to illustrate a bit of different output of equalities.
Stream processing, Event sourcing, Reactive, CEP… and making sense of it allThis is an edited transcript of a talk I gave at /dev/winter 2015. Some people call it stream processing. Others call it Event Sourcing or CQRS. Some even call it Complex Event Processing.
Filtering Akka Streams by elapsed timeIt has been a while since my last blog post, sometimes the day job gets in the way of the more interesting experiments worth blogging about. However, lately I’ve had some time to play with the latest Akka Streams (1.
12 Unit Testing Myths and PracticesUnit testing, though widely implemented these days, can be a little misunderstood. From developers who don’t yet see the advantages, to project managers who aren’t convinced of it’s worth; unit testing still has its skeptics.
dotnet/roslynWe've made it three hours without slippery slopes coming up! This is the first design meeting for the version of C# coming after C# 6. We shall colloquially refer to it as C# 7. The meeting focused on setting the stage for the design process and homing in on major themes and features.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.