Rob Janssen

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How Chinese Tinder clone screws you

TL;DR: Chinese Tinder clone Tantan is endangering young women and men by failing to use encryption and exposing private data like that made public in the Ashley Madison hack, information which resulted in destroyed relationships and multiple deaths.

We need less powerful languages

Starting at the low end of the scale in terms of expressiveness, there is what you might call data rather than language. But both “data” and “language” can be thought of as “messages to be received by someone”, and the principle applies here.

The ASP.NET 5 Glossary

With the RTM release of ASP.NET 5 scheduled to happen in January 2016, there's been a lot of new terminology floating around the Microsoft space. Having attended a couple of conferences recently has helped me sort them out a bit, but some of them are still quite confusing.


Microsoft Node.js! We work hard to contribute to the Node.js community and we want to make sure your experience is as seamless as possible. In particular, our goals here are to:

10 Typical Mistakes in Specs

There is a great book called Software Requirements written by Karl Wiegers about, well, software requirements. It's a must read for every software engineer, in my opinion.

Shipping a New Mindset with SQLite in Windows 10

How do you ship over 200 Data Access APIs that work across half a dozen different types of devices and have a 100% test coverage, but with only a couple of days of engineering effort? It’s simple, you ship SQLite.

Be An Engineer, Not A User — Medium

It’s a wonderful time to be a software developer. The opportunities are abundant and the languages, frameworks, and tooling we use to do our jobs are amazing thanks in large part to our collaborative efforts in the open source world.

How to Find the Longest Consecutive Series of Events in SQL

A very interesting problem that can be solved very easily with SQL is to find consecutive series of events in a time series. But what is a consecutive series of events in a time series? Take Stack Overflow, for example.

Using Docker ENV with ASP.NET 5

Docker is quickly becoming a great choice for hosting ASP.NET 5 applications. I believe one of the most compelling reasons is that Docker gives us the ability to create a consistent environment (read: Docker Container) for hosting our application.

A Chatbot Is Better Than a UI for a Microservice

A chatbot (or chatterbot, as Wikipedia says) is a piece of software that talks to you in chat format. We use chatbots in a few (micro)services, and they fully replace user interfaces.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.