Have you ever tried baking a pizza in an oven at an eighth the recommended temperature? The pizza will in fact never be fully cooked, never achieving a high enough temperature to melt the cheese, crisp the bread, etc. In many ways, crafting programs are similar to baking a pizza.
Don't Link that Line Number!Today I saw a co-worker take a link from a specific line number in our team's github repository and place it in the comments section of a user story. This is very helpful for those who need to see a quick reference to the code that could be causing a defect, but it's wrong.
Webinar: MongoDB for Time Series Data: Setting the Stage for Sensor ManagementIt goes like this. Dave sure is shipping a lot of stuff.
There's Something About NolockThe NOLOCK hint: we all use it sometimes, and some of us use it almost all the time. In this session Kendra Little shows three phenomena which will cause you...
Confessions of an ex-developerMarco Arment’s response to a piece by Ed Finkler on Ed’s diminishing motivation to learn new technologies interested me. I’m in an intriguing position on this subject, because I’m not a developer anymore. I haven’t launched Xcode since last December.
A Decentralized API to Personal InformationAn idea hit me: email is such a pervasive tool used by so many people and supported by so many software stacks that it is the ultimate vendor-neutral platform to build programmatic services between applications and persons: automatic exchange of contact information, PGP key, Bitcoin address, autom
2014-07-09Finding All the Red M&Ms: A Story of Indexes and Full-Table ScansIn this guest post, Chris Saxon explains a very important topic using an analogy with chocolates: When does a database use an index and when is it better not using it. Although Chris explanation has the Oracle database in mind, the principles apply to other databases too.
Keep Calm and Take a BreakAs a developer for a mobile charge capture company, I am blessed with some unique access to the medical industry.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.