Rob Janssen

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Counterargument: Don’t put logic in tests

I consider test suites to be first class code. They need to be clean, adaptable, and frequently refactored just like the primary code. Thus I was quite bothered to see the article Don’t Put Logic in Tests that wants to reduce tests to spreadsheets of input and output variables.

Testing on the Toilet: Don't Put Logic in Tests

Programming languages give us a lot of expressive power. Concepts like operators and conditionals are important tools that allow us to write programs that handle a wide range of inputs. But this flexibility comes at the cost of increased complexity, which makes our programs harder to understand.

»Why Does PHP Suck?«

There are so many awful things involved in this abomination of a high-level programming language, it outright exceeds full-blown ridicularity. PHP sucks on so many levels that it isn’t even funny anymore mocking it. To be honest, it just makes me sad.

Critiquing Facebook’s new PHP spec

Yesterday, Facebook released an initial draft specification for PHP. Written by a team of Facebook employees including a veteran of many specification committees, it looks like a serious effort to provide a needed specification to a language that has gone without it for a long time.

18 Surprises From Reading jQuery's Source Code

I love jQuery, and though I consider myself an advanced JavaScript developer, I had never read the jQuery source from top to bottom, until now. Here are a few things that I learned along the way: Note: I use the $.fn.

Commodore 64 Emulator

This article describes details about implementation of Commodore 64 emulator written in C#. The performances are not that great, because of several reasons, like cycle-based and real drive emulation as well as the way some things are implemented in source code.

Cyborg conversion incomplete: my life with finger implants

If you open a beer next to me, I can levitate your bottle cap with the tip of my finger. I can’t carry hotel keycards in my right pocket, because I occasionally demagnetize them. You can find my website by rubbing your phone on the back of my hand.

Op het nippertje......

Wat veel burgers niet weten, is dat de politie ontheffing (vrijstelling) heeft voor de verkeersregels, zoals omschreven in het Reglement Verkeersregels en Verkeerstekens (1990).De meeste burgers denken dat de politie de verkeersregels alleen mag overtreden als we met zwaailicht en sirene rijden.

Does experience slow you down?

This is somewhat of a philosophical post inspired by a good discussion we had in my engine group at Insomniac Games that also spilled out on Twitter. The question I asked was: “Do you think having more experience slows you down? And how do you combat that?”

7 steps to get your software product localized

Every company is always looking for a way to expand their business to gain more profits. One common way to increase your market is by providing localized versions of software for different markets around the world.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.