Rob Janssen

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Spelen met de tijd

Het Finse Remedy heeft iets met de tijd. De studio neemt bijvoorbeeld ruim de tijd om zijn games te maken. Alan Wake, het laatste grote project van de studio, verscheen in 2010 en sindsdien wordt er gewerkt aan Quantum Break, dat net als de voorganger enkel op de platformen van Microsoft verschijnt.

Bill Gates creatief met ijswater

Durf je een emmer ijswater over je hoofd te gooien voor het goede doel? En het filmpje op Twitter en Facebook te zetten? Facebook-oprichter Marc Zuckerberg daagde de oprichter van Microsoft, Bill Gates, uit.

Customers not getting the widgets they paid for if they click too fast -or- In C#, the += operator is not merely not guaranteed to be atomic, it is guaranteed not to be atomic

Recall that properties are syntactic sugar for method calls. A property declaration Accessing a property is similarly transformed.

Building Five Labs

Five Labs is an experiment from my startup, We used a scientific model to predict your personality from your Facebook wall posts. The model might sound complicated, but the web app is easy to understand.

Introduction to Data Oriented Design

Microservices and the First Law of Distributed Objects

It's important to note that in this first law statement, I use the phrase "distributed objects". This reflects an idea that was rather in vogue in the late 90's early 00's but since has (rightly) fallen out of favor.

Dijkstra's Algorithm - Shortest Path

Outline This post will cover the basics of Dijksta's shortest path algorithm and how it can apply to path finding for game development. It is my opinion that understanding this algorithm will aid in understanding more complex AI algorithms, such as A*.

Chris Said So

If you’re part of a community that considers writing automated tests an essential part of development and you yourself write automated tests for your code as a matter of routine, you might want to stretch out your neck a little before reading further.

X to Close — re:form — Medium

X’s are everywhere in user interface (UI) design. A powerful symbol, [x] is capable of closing windows and popups, toolbars and tabs and anything else that might otherwise be cluttering up your screen.

QMAST Programming Session

Embedded programming!Watch code fly by just like in the movies!Its a little bit long to watch all the way through for most folks, so you may want to skip to the end to view the result.Music from:

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.