Rob Janssen

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VMware gaat samenwerken met Docker en Google voor container-ondersteuning

VMware heeft een brede samenwerking met Docker aangekondigd. VMware gaat de Docker Engine ondersteunen voor het draaien en de uitrol van apps in softwarecontainers op virtuele machines. VMware ondersteunt ook Googles beheerplatform voor Docker Engine, Kubernetes.

Debugging courses should be mandatory

Common knowledge is that in programming, you spend most of the time maintaining code and fixing problems, instead of adding new features. Often, via debugging, you find what the issue is, but don't know how to fix it. Other times you encounter a Heisenbug, a Loch Ness Monster or the Mad Girlfriend.

Write better walkthroughs with the 3x3 Method

As a product designer, you have many roles to fill. Strategist, UX designer, front-end dev, and marketer to name a few. The smaller your team (maybe your “team” is just you), the greater the number of hats there are to wear. Among these roles, yet often overlooked, is that of salesperson.

7 Social Login Myths Debunked — About OAuth — Medium

So much confusion when it comes to Social Login Buttons. Sometimes, connecting an app to a social network is necessary for the product: At we see a lot of apps leveraging OAuth, to offer features. However, OAuth is also often used for authentication.

Avoid many-to-many mappings in ORMs

Going through and reviewing the Contoso University codebase, really to get caught up on EF 6 features, I found a relationship between two tables that resulted in a many-to-many mapping. We have these tables: The NHibernate mapping would look similar, with a .

First MVC Application for Beginner's

Hello guys, In this article i am going to create a sample project to explain how the control flow between model-controller-view. This article is for absolute beginner's and can be considered as First step in learning MVC.

Semantic Versioning is Not the Solution

People often think they can introduce incompatible changes in their library API, and just increase major version number as semantic versioning proposes, to save the library clients from problems. It is not true. Consider a dependency tree: my-application web-server 1.1.1 commons-logging 1.1.

PITIful RESTful URLs — Medium

If you do REST right, you’ll end up with simplified URLs for resources. But guess what? Most people do it the other way around. Here are a top list of annoyances: So you needed to filter some items by Year, Month and Day, and you decided to do it in the most RESTful way possible.

Memory in .NET - what goes where

A lot of confusion has been wrought by people explaining the difference between value types and reference types as "value types go on the stack, reference types go on the heap". This is simply untrue (as stated) and this article attempts to clarify matters somewhat.

The dream which made me reconsider Java

as a fan of C, Python and Perl I have always dismissed Java. For 20 years in fact. Until yesterday! This is what happened: As I was waiting for the compilation of the latest kernel to finish, I was browsing some Java forums (for a laugh, as you do). But I must have nodded off.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.