Rob Janssen

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LKML: Christopher Barry: OT: Open letter to the Linux World

On Generalization — Medium

I grew up writing a lot of code. I programmed games and web apps and editors and all kinds of stuff.

Deterministic Finite State Machine Implementation in C#

While I was working at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science I have implemented many of the standard algorithms from the famous Cormen’s Introduction to Algorithms. Since I was a part of the Laboratory for algorithms and data structures that is to be expected.

Arbitrary subjects turn into kaleidoscopic imagery with Light Pattern

The intersection of photography and computers generally connotes Photoshop and Instagram. The first is a tool for refining and altering photos, enabling manipulation far beyond what's possible in the darkroom.

Humans Need Not Apply

Discuss this video: Robots, Etc:Terex Port automation: | Cat MieStar System.: Automotive Technology: http://www.b

What's the matter with PGP?

Before we can communicate via PGP, we first need to exchange keys. PGP makes this downright unpleasant. In some cases, dangerously so. Part of the problem lies in the nature of PGP public keys themselves.

Comment 28 for bug 255161

What a fascinating bug!! My wife has complained that open office will never print on Tuesdays!?! Then she demonstrated it. Sure enough, won't print on Tuesday. Other applications print. I think this is the same bug. Here is my guess: Print to a postscript file.

Get Rid of the URL Pollution

You want to copy the URL of a nice article/video/picture you’ve just opened and send it to friends in skype chats, whatsapp, other messengers or social networks. And you realize the URL looks like this:

Rant of the day: Sophos is breaking the internet

tl;dr: I've spent the last couple of days talking to Sophos' support hotline because their free antivirus is breaking our website - they fixed the bug but will only include the fix in their paid version.

Complete Tutorial on Dynamic Keyword in C# 4.0 with an example?

Welcome Friends..! my name is Gurunatha Dogi, Let me introduce one of the new language features of C# 4.0. "Dynamic Keyword" was introduced in C# 4.0 (.NET Framework 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010). Dynamic keyword was introduced in c# 4.0 i.e. it was introduced in the dot net framework 4.0 i.e.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.