Rob Janssen

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Poor UI Design Can Kill – Air Inter Flight 148, a harsh lesson learned

On January 20, 1992, Air Inter Flight 148 crashed into the Vosges Mountains while approaching Strasbourg Airport in Strasbourg, France. 87 of the 96 crew and passengers on board were killed. So why am I writing about a horrible accident on my programming blog? Because of the cause of the crash.

How Apple Pay works and why it matters for developers

Apple Pay marks the first time a popular operating system is making payments a platform service for real-world, non-digital-good transactions, in a broad, inclusive manner that is compatible with the mainstream payments processing industry.

The Pursuit of 60fps Everywhere with Nat Duca

Nat Duca is an engineer on the Chrome team working to make an always-60fps, jank free mobile web a reality.If you want to move something at 60fps today, you must apply a littany of tricks, especially translateZ and friends. If you make a mistake, off the fast path ye shall go. On the Chrome team we

Enabling Testing in Production in Azure Websites

Join your guide Cory Fowler as he talks to the product teams in Redmond as well as the web community. This week Cory is joined by Galin Iliev from the Azure Websites team to check out the newly announced preview feature testing in production.

alyssa frazee

For several popular programming languages, this chart shows the gender breakdown of the owners of public GitHub repositories. Each owner's gender was algorithmically predicted from the first name they choose to display on their GitHub profile. (Click it to see a larger static version).

The Forgotten User

We've all heard stories of projects gone wrong because somehow everyone forgot about the users, haven't we? I want to draw your attention to another user who is almost always forgotten in every other bit of coding we all do everyday. That user is the future programmer. That programmer may be you.

Stephen's Java Adventures : Version numbers

Simplifying Classes with C# 6.0

Property initializers and primary constructors are C# 6.0 features that simplify classes and make code more readable. Take 5 minutes to learn about both of them in this latest NOWcast from Microsoft MVP Kathleen Dollard!

Making a "Simple" Site is Damn Hard ~ Perl Is My Cocaine

If you're somehow related to the IT field (you're a sys admin, a QA, a Project Manager, or even a programmer) you surely got at least one request from a relative who just opened a business, to create them a "simple" website.

Semantic Versioning Works Just Fine — Medium

Semantic versioning is not meant to be for humans. It‘s designed for machines, so they can update packages safely and automatically. And it works, until someone breaks the rules, and then everybody starts complaining.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.