TL;DR example code here. Most people use Google Authenticator to generate two-factor authentication (2FA) tokens on their phone, with Authy as a recent alternative. What's cool is that any service can make use of these apps as long as they are compatible.
So You Want To Write Your Own CSV code?So You Want To Write Your Own CSV code? Fields separated by commas and rows separated by newline. Easy right? You can write the code yourself in just a few lines. Hold on a second...
EquilibriumToday I want to show you a neat chaos simulation. Rules: Green point has 2 leaders - red points. Red line is equidistance line. Green point's goal is to get and stay on that line. All points have different leaders so movements appear pretty chaotic.
My experience with using cp to copy a lot of files (432 millions, 39 TB)[Top][All Lists] [Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] My experience with using cp to copy a lot of files (432 millions, 39 TB) Hi! I recently had to copy a lot of files and even though I've 20 years experience with various Unix variants I was still surpris
Checking In with Erik Meijer: Erik MeijerNo, Erik Meijer doesn't interview himself! :) However, it actually is checking in with Erik Meijer (it's been WAY too long since we last caught up on camera...), so we figured it was a great idea to rehydrate this show with the master himself in the hot seat.
A Trip Down the Graphics PipelineI’ve recently received an Oculus Rift Development Kit Mk. II, and since I’m on Linux, there is no official SDK for me and I’m pretty much out there on my own.
The Pursuit of 60fps Everywhere with Nat DucaNat Duca is an engineer on the Chrome team working to make an always-60fps, jank free mobile web a reality.If you want to move something at 60fps today, you must apply a littany of tricks, especially translateZ and friends. If you make a mistake, off the fast path ye shall go. On the Chrome team we
Bézier ClockClick to toggle curve splines. Press space to toggle continual animation - i.e. each number will never pause and will always be animating to its next value (this can be hard to read). For example, at 13:30:30 the hour unit digit would be halfway between 3 and 4 if continual animation were on.
Release Notes Mono 3.8.0Mono 3.8.0 has 711 commits since the last release. This is the work of 61 contributors since May 28. 58 bugs were fixed.
Mono Gets Further Performance, Scalability ImprovementsMono 3.8.0 was released last week. It comes with several performance and scalability improvements across the runtime, as well as finishes the Windows port. Mono follows Gnome and Linux Kernel versioning policies, which means 3.8 is the next major stable version after 3.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.