Raise your hand if you know how to validate an email address. For those of you with your hand in the air, put it down quickly before someone sees you. It’s an odd sight to see someone sitting alone at the keyboard raising his or her hand. I was speaking metaphorically.
Worse than Heartbleed? Today's Bash bug could break security for yearsLinux users got a nasty surprise today, as a security team at Red Hat uncovered a subtle but dangerous bug in the Bash shell, one of the most versatile and widely used utilities in Linux. It's being called the Bash bug, or Shellshock.
Forever AloneDan’s team had a large re-engineering project. They wanted to remove some Java dependencies and replace the UI layer with their new, in-house developed standard library. Like most large maintenance projects, it was big, had a few hidden traps, but was mostly time consuming tedium.
21 Ways to Minimize Employee RetentionIt's important to be able to maximize turnover and confusion while minimizing employee retention. This is by no mean an exhaustive list, but it will, without a doubt, be successful, unlike your business. Eliminate all privacy. Employees should feel like they’re being watched at all times.
Why hourly time tracking doesn't work for softwareSoftware developers never want to do hourly time tracking. I’ve seen team leads who fill out the time tracking for their whole team to spare them the trouble.
Designing A Rocket Icon In Adobe FireworksMany people know that Fireworks is a great tool for web design1, prototyping2 and UI design3. But what about icon design? Icon design is a very specific skill that overlaps illustration, screen design and, of course, visual design.
Developing NASA's mission software with JavaAhead of their talk at the JavaOne, four NASA software engineers tell Geertjan Wielenga about how they use Java, JavaFX and NetBeans to develop NASA's mission software. What kind of software development, i.e.
Careful with that Buffer…Last week I was sorting through several sets of Microsoft C 5.1 disks from 1988 (more about that later).
Building software is like building a LEGO houseOne of the problems of the software development industry is non-software people make decisions about software builds. Many of these people believe that building software is like building houses, which it is not.
In de lobby van dit hotel hangt 's werelds enige analoog-digitale klokVoor wie wel met z'n tijd mee wil gaan, maar analoog een warm hart toedraagt hangt in het Londonse hotel Ham Yard deze super chique klok.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.