Rob Janssen

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Why is there a 64KB no-man's land near the end of the user-mode address space?

We learned some time ago that there is a 64KB no-man's land near the 2GB boundary to accommodate a quirk of the Alpha AXP processor architecture. But that's not the only reason why it's there.

Why is address space allocation granularity 64K?

You may have wondered why VirtualAlloc allocates memory at 64K boundaries even though page granularity is 4K. You have the Alpha AXP processor to thank for that.

Intel Underestimates Error Bounds by 1.3 quintillion

Intel’s manuals for their x86/x64 processor clearly state that the fsin instruction (calculating the trigonometric sin) has a maximum error, in round-to-nearest mode, of one unit in the last place. This is not true. It’s not even close.

How do you calculate a parity bit?

If you're sending a bunch of data over the wire, how do you make sure that what you receive is actually what you sent, and that random interference or connectivity failures didn't mess things up? There are many ways, but one of the simplest is to add a parity bit to the end of the data when it is

Boolean logic for programmers

One of my (many) weaknesses as a programmer has long been a soft understanding of binary math. I've always known the basics, but I've never gotten my hands dirty enough to really feel comfortable with it. A few months ago I resolved to change that, and a few weeks ago I actually began changing it.

Password Based Key Derivation Functions in .NET

In this article I want to talk a little about Password Based Key Derivation Functions and their use in .NET. A Password Based Key Derivation Function or PBKDF2 as it is known, is a way to encode passwords as an alternative to hashing functions which are susceptible to rainbow table attacks.

How RAID-6 dual parity calculation works

Parity protection is a common technique for reliable data storage on mediums that may fail (HDDs, SSDs, storage servers, etc.) Calculation of parity uses tools from algebra in very interesting ways, in particular in the dual parity case.

Watson Services : IBM Watson Developer Cloud


Fluent Interfaces · Schier

Fluent interfaces are software API's designed to be readable and to flow. They are like a miniature domain-specific language, code structured for one specific purpose. Methods in fluent interfaces can often be chained, creating a flow of method calls.

How Apple caused our iPhone app to crash for 3 days

Like many app developers, we updated our app when iOS 8 was released. We threw in some Swift code and fixed a few bugs. Our new version worked flawlessly in Testflight for iOS7/8, and everything looked good. On Wednesday (October 1st) we submitted the new binary to Apple, sat back and waited.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.