Rob Janssen

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WebRTC Made Simple

WebRTC is a set of JavaScript APIs that enable peer-to-peer, realtime communication between web browsers. It offers some pretty amazing capabilities, but getting through even a basic introduction to it can be daunting. The variety of new APIs and protocols is a lot to digest.

How not to get hired by Neurobat

When I recruit software engineers I always ask them to first take a short online programming test. Following a recommendation from Jeff Atwood, we use Codility as an online programming testing tool. The goal of this test is not to assess whether you are a good programmer.

CODETUNES · When tests fail and how to deal with it

Imagine such a case: you’re developing another e-shop. You’ve got products and a basket. You write some obvious tests: The implementation is done and everything works great.

In Celebration of The Ada Lovelace Day: Peek into The First Ever Computer Program

Have you ever wondered what did the first ever computer program do? The first ever piece of code was written on 1842, well before the first actual machine that could be called a computer (you wouldn’t call it a computer if you saw it).

The hard thing about testing

Why are bugs in software inevitable? One of my arguments is that knowing what to test is one of the most difficult parts of testing itself. Bugs creep up in the areas we never thought to look. As software gets more complex, those undiscovered areas get bigger and more disparate.


Use the editors on the right to play around with the library. View the results in the current browser tab. Browser support: Chrome 16+, Firefox 8+, Opera 11+. (Others only update their titles)

A Stupid Comment

Paul worked for a branch of the Defence Department in Australia, writing reams of C++ using the standard template libraries on a Linux box. On a typical afternoon, Paul checked some code into CVS with a comment: Fixed bug 7551, see issue report 2119. Tinky Winky is my favourite Teletubby.

Non-Properties of floating point numbers

I recently received a customer question that boiled down to the oft-encountered binary floating point inexact representation issue. They were rather troubled that basic identities normal to numbers did not apply to floating point arithmetic.

How unreliable is UDP?

I realized something recently: I know virtually nothing about UDP. Oh, I know it's connectionless, has no handshaking and thus doesn't provide any guarantees about delivery or ordering. But, in practice, what does that actually mean?

Relieving SQL Join Pain

If you’ve built an application that stores its data in a relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL, then you’ve likely run into situations where joining two or more large tables becomes very slow and painful.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.