When we designed our synchronization protocol way back in 2007, we wanted to make sure that a client could use a minimal number of network requests to find all of the content in the user’s account, or only of the relevant changes since the last sync.
A Simple Way to Fix Legacy Code | LinkedInFREE WORKSHOP: .NET to MEAN StackMichael Perrenoud is giving a free virtual workshop to help developers understand the advantages of the MEAN stack, especially compared to more established architectures. >> Sign up to secure a spot 1 Background For 15 years I've worked as a Microsoft .
A brief, opinionated history of the API.pdf - Google DriveOver the past three years, we’ve gone from a crazy idea that ‘just might work’ to a proven product used by 110,000 developers. Today, I couldn’t be happier to announce that we’ve joined Google. Two big reasons.
Checkboxes that kill your product — Alex LimiIf I told you that a company is shipping a product to hundreds of millions of users right now, and included in the product are several prominent buttons that will break the product completely if you click them, and possibly lock you out from the Internet?—?can you guess which product it is?
Guess the Bug Source: Microsoft SQL Server or MongoDB?In database-land, MongoDB is the butt of a lot of jokes, but is it really any worse than mainstream databases like Microsoft SQL Server? I’ll list pairs of bugs, and you have to guess whether it’s in MongoDB or SQL Server. You can click on the bug to learn the answer.
A Proper Server Naming SchemeThis is a guest blog post via MNX.io – a 100% SSD cloud hosting provider built for reliability and performance. Choose your CPU, DISK, and RAM and your server will be deployed instantly.
Clean Coder BlogCan you name a Design Pattern? A Design Pattern? You mean from the '90s?
Clean Coder BlogLook at this graph, which I took from this blog by Peter Knego. Peter was showing the relationship between age and reputation on stack overflow. The correlation is unmistakable. The older the programmer, the better the reputation, by far.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.