Rob Janssen

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The Code Zombies of StackOverflow

I believe that this is the greatest time to become a programmer. Whereas I remember paying 149$ for an undocumented Microsoft Visual C++ 1.0 twenty years ago, almost all languages and tools have now become extremely accessible, free and well documented.

A Guide To Video And Audio Conversion Using FFmpeg

FFmpeg is a very powerful and great command line tool used for performing various conversion operations on audio and video files. The good thing about this tool is that it is absolutely free to use. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems.

Leon Gersing - Keep Software Weird

This is a talk from Barcelona Ruby Conference 2014 ( much code coverage does it take it ship a minimal viable product? How many Scrum Certifications does it take to make your team agile? How many languages learned make a journeyman a master? In software, there is an expres

[XCSSA] XOR patent ended CD32, and Commodore-Amiga

I thought I knew just about all I needed to know about the decline and fall of Commodore-Amiga, having experienced it as an Amiga owner and fan, then hearing reports, reading articles, and even watching the video. But I didn't know this factoid.

Getting Started with Continuous Delivery

While working in a high paced and agile environment, building block by block to reach the ultimate minimal viable product, stakeholders will most definitely ask more than once if they can see what you have thus far. Agile, Scrum, continuous delivery and testing are not new concepts or buzz-words.

Data alignment for speed: myth or reality?

Compilers align data structures so that if you read an object using 4 bytes, its memory address is divisible by 4. There are two reasons for data alignment: So, data alignment is important for performance.

Cache Eviction: When Are Randomized Algorithms Better Than LRU?

Once upon a time, my computer architecture professor mentioned that using a random eviction policy for caches really isn’t so bad.

How I created two images with the same MD5 hash

I posted the following images the other day which although looking totally different have exactly the same MD5 hash (e06723d4961a0a3f950e7786f3766338) . The images were just two I lifted from the web in fact I could have chosen any image or indeed any arbitrary data and created a collision with it.

The Future of C# and Visual Basic

Project "Roslyn" is a complete renewal of the C# and Visual Basic compilers, exposing them as full fidelity APIs for everyone to use, and providing a great foundation for evolving the tool experience and the languages themselves.

Graph traversal, part one

There are lots of topics in both practical and theoretical computer science that deal with graphs, lots of different kinds of graphs, lots of ways to represent a graph as a data structure, and lots of operations you’d want to perform on such a data structure.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.