Rob Janssen

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A story about an angry carrot and a floating point fairy

Once upon a time, there was a kind and happy farmer, named Bob. Every year he planted a row of ten thousand carrots, and that would yield a few truckloads of the crunchy vegetables.

Zusie : My Relay Computer

This tells the story of why and how Zusie was constructed. It is partly a log of my work for my own purposes, but hopefully it can provide some information for anyone who wants to make something similar for themselves. Perhaps I have made a few mistakes that you will be spared.

Make Your Program Slower With Threads

How much do context switches matter? Years ago, while taking a numerical methods course, I wrote some code to calculate the expected number of shared birthdays in a group. The code is very simple: each attempt constructs a vector of N birthdays, then counts the duplicates.

To .NET or not to .NET, That is the Question

I’m confused. For many years I’ve been a .NET / Microsoft stack developer (from now on I might call it .NET for simplicity, but what I mean is the Windows / ASP / .NET / IIS / SQL Server etc.

The most-viewed YouTube videos

Earlier this week, Google announced that Psy’s insanely viral YouTube music video, Gangnam Style, officially broke the 2,147,483,647 view barrier. What’s significant about that number, you ask? That’s the largest number that can be encoded by a 32-bit integer number.

Dating a Programmer ?

Have you ever dated a programmer ? Creatures indifferent, still different from whole of the world. Check out the Pros and Cons of dating a programmer in the following infographic.

Introducing .NET Core

At connect(), we announced that .NET Core will be entirely released as open source software. I also promised to follow up with more details on .NET Core. In this post, I’ll provide an overview of .NET Core, how we’re going to release it, how it relates to the .

Do You Really Understand SQL’s GROUP BY and HAVING clauses?

There are some things in SQL that we simply take for granted without thinking about them properly. One of these things are the GROUP BY and the less popular HAVING clauses. Let’s look at a simple example.

Programming Modern Systems Like It Was 1984

Imagine you were a professional programmer in 1984, then you went to sleep and woke up 30 years later. How would your development habits be changed by the ubiquitous, consumer-level supercomputers of 2014?

Dev-ops tools

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.