This post is a response to my recent encounters with fellow programmers who appear to me to be missing the point of assertions and fail to appreciate their usefulness.
I don't need your permission!Permissions on Android are tricky to get right from a user perspective. Usually you only want to do something minor and innocuous (pre-fill a form with a contact's info) but the actual permission you have to request gives you much more power than necessary (access to ALL contact details, ever).
The Art of Programming — Art of Programming — MediumOne of the most consolidated misconceptions about programming, since the early days, is the idea that such activity is purely technical, completely exact in nature, like Math and Physics. Computation is exact, but programming is not.
The Lava Layer Anti-PatternTL:DR Successive, well intentioned, changes to architecture and technology throughout the lifetime of an application can lead to a fragmented and hard to maintain code base. Sometimes it is better to favour consistent legacy technology over fragmentation.
Your company WILL bea software companyIndustries that don’t adopt software die. They’re overtaken by more efficient organizations or completely displaced by disruptive new technologies. Media distribution (news, music, movies) was revolutionized by the internet.
The 80/20 rule... for storage systems.The 80/20 rule is often attributed to an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto. Born in 1848, Pareto was (inspirationally at least) one of the early members of the occupy movement: he observed that 80% of Italy’s wealth at that time was owned by fewer than 20% of Italy’s population.
Client-side coding: How to prevent malicious use?This Q&A is part of a weekly series of posts highlighting common questions encountered by technophiles and answered by users at Stack Exchange, a free, community-powered network of 100+ Q&A sites.
Doom3 is the proof that “keep it simple” works.If you search on the web for the best C++ source code. The Doom3 source code is mentioned many times, with testimonials like this one. I spent a bit of time going through the Doom3 source code. It’s probably the cleanest and nicest looking code I’ve ever seen.
Random User GeneratorA free API for generating random user data. Like Lorem Ipsum, but for people. You can use AJAX or another method to ask RandomUser for a randomly generated user. If you are using JQuery, you can paste this code in your body to get started.
Entity Framework 7 Not Recommend for ASP.NET 4Version 7 of Entity Framework represents a major redesign of the 6-year-old ORM. As we reported back in May, the framework is targeting a wide variety of platforms including “traditional .NET Framework applications (WPF, WinForms, Console, and ASP.NET 4), Phone/Store/Universal, and ASP.NET 5 (a.k.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.