It’s important to understand the cost of memory allocations, but this cost can be surprisingly tricky to measure. It seems reasonable to measure this cost by wrapping calls to new{} and delete{} with timers.
Simplicity and Utility, or, Why SOAP LostIn the middle of 2000, SOAP - an XML-based messaging protocol - started to rise in popularity as a communication protocol for distributed computing. By 2004, there were dozens of SOAP implementations in as many languages, including all of the most popular ones, such as Java, C/C++, .
Playing With My SonI’m not sure if it’s a great idea to take parenting advice from 1970s standup albums, but this always made sense to me. If you have a kid, why not run experiments on them? It’s like running experiments on a little clone of yourself! And almost always probably legal.
Git ObjectsThe next type we’ll look at is the tree, which solves the problem of storing the filename and also allows you to store a group of files together. Git stores content in a manner similar to a UNIX filesystem, but a bit simplified.
Replacing Throwing Exceptions with Notification in ValidationsIf you're validating some data, you usually shouldn't be using exceptions to signal validation failures. Here I describe how I'd refactor such code into using the Notification pattern.
Real Life Tron on an Apple IIgsOne of my favorite movies as a kid was Tron, the early 1980's film about a computer programmer who gets “digitized” and sucked into a computer world inhabited by personified computer programs.
Why are objects so hard to debug?Programming language comparisons usually focus on the brevity and expressiveness of the language. If the solution to a programming problem has fewer lines and is “easier to understand” or “clearer” in one language than another, that is an argument for using the former over the latter.
Authenticatiestandaard als alternatief voor wachtwoorden is klaarDe FIDO Alliance heeft de eerste versie van de FIDO-specificatie uitgebracht. Met de standaard kunnen ontwikkelaars eenvoudig online authenticatie zonder wachtwoorden toevoegen aan apps. Onder andere Microsoft en Google ondersteunen de alliantie.
Jon Skeet's coding blogNow that the Visual Studio 2015 Preview is available and the C# 6 feature set is a bit more stable, I figured it was time to start updating the Noda Time 2.0 source code to C# 6. The target framework is still .NET 3.
.NET Core: Hype vs RealityThe great excitement over Microsoft’s announcement to open-source a cross-platform .NET Server Core (explanation by Tim Anderson) is frankly rather puzzling. As Mike James correctly analyzes,
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.