As we're in the process of auditing and redoing our introductory talk-throughs, we find ourselves discussing the different approaches to teaching variables and debating which analogies make variables the most approachable to newbies.
Are buffer-overflows solved yet? A historical tale.Perhaps the most exciting, scary, and classic security vulnerability is the stack-based buffer overflow. This class of vulnerability goes as far back as the 1970s and its legendary status can be tied to C and Unix itself. One of the first computer worms, Morris, exploited exactly this flaw.
No Deadlines For You! Software Dev Without Estimates, Specs or Other LiesIn Coding, Fast and Slow, I talked about one of the deepest challenges involved in writing software: the near-total inability of developers to predict how long a project will take.
A LRU cache implementationA LRU cache is a container that ensures its maximum capacity is never exceeded by using a Least Recently Used strategy to discard elements. The LRU algorithm keeps track of the order used to access the cache elements in order to know the ones to discard when the container is full. certain article has been enjoying great publicity and appreciation lately. I found some claims it makes to be unfitting to my existing knowledge of garbage collection (not claiming it to be much) so I tried to find out who was in the wrong and looked into the topic at some depth.
Solved by FlexboxCSS has been lacking proper layout mechanisms for far too long. Transitions, animations, filters, all of these are great and useful additions to the language, but they don't address the major problems that Web developers have been complaining about for what seems like an eternity.
The shittiest project I ever worked onSometimes in job interviews I've been asked to describe a project I worked on that failed. This is the one I always think of first.
JetBrains maakt Python-ontwikkelomgeving PyCharm opensourceDe firma JetBrains heeft de Python-ide PyCharm 3.0 in een opensource-editie vrijgegeven. JetBrains zal ook een commerciële versie van PyCharm aanbieden. Deze biedt met name gevorderde programmeurs een aantal geavanceerde features. JetBrains hoopt met de gratis community edition van PyCharm 3.
What I Learned as a Junior Developer Writing Tests for Legacy CodeI go to the gym and lift weights because I like the feeling of getting stronger and better. Two months ago, I started to feel a throbbing pain in my knees, yet I continued to go to the gym.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.