Rob Janssen

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What the heck is going on with NIST’s cryptographic standard, SHA-3?

UPDATE [2013-10-09]: The Keccak team provided me with a response to issues I raise in this post, arguing that some of what I say here is incorrect and misleading. In the interest of transparency, I'm reproducing their comments -- with their permission -- below this post.

Measuring heart rate with a smartphone camera

There are some apps out there that can read your heart rate with a smartphone camera. No need for external pulsometers. The procedure is simple: you press the smartphone camera lens gently with your finger and, after some seconds, a reading is shown.

HubSpot/vex · GitHub

Vex is a modern dialog library which is highly configurable, easily stylable, and gets out of the way. You'll love vex because it's tiny (6kb minified, 2kb minifed + gzipped), has a clear and simple API, works on mobile devices, and can be customized to match your style in seconds.

Queues (SQS) to alleviate database writes

Great write-up!

Brackets - The Free, Open Source Code Editor for the Web

Brackets is an open source code editor for web designers and front-end developers. As you code, HTML changes are instantly pushed to browser without having to save or reload the page.See it in action.

Sorcerer's Apprentice Syndrome

Sorcerer's Apprentice Syndrome (SAS) is a particularly bad network protocol flaw, discovered in the original versions of TFTP.

Lock-Free Writes in SQL Server 2014

In 2012 it became possible to find commercial two-socket servers with 2 Terabytes of DRAM. With that kind of memory available, Microsoft felt that it was time to start seriously thinking about databases that held their working sets entirely in memory.

Inviting Spam with Open Arms

I have no fear of sharing my cell phone number and email address broadly and widely. I’ve been doing it for years. It invites spam; lot’s of spam. So what? Gmail filters it all for me, like magic. And I don’t answer calls from people I don’t know. It’s a solved problem.

F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales

At a logical level F1 has a data model that is similar to an RDBMS. Additionally tables in F1 can be organized into a hierarchy. A row corresponding to the root table in the hierarchy is called the root row. Rows of child tables related to the root row are stored in one single Spanner directory. makes it easy to seamlessly transition from using Gravatar. Replace all references to in your code with supports 3 sizes for avatars. We are mapping to the actual service, so there's no “guaranteed” size.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.