Rob Janssen

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It's all about heart (making great games; how to interview)

This also appears on AltDevBlog, albeit in a shorter version (which I see few reasons not to prefer...), I decided it was best not to ramble too much on other websites.

Observability at Twitter

As Twitter has moved from a monolithic to a distributed architecture, our scalability has increased dramatically. Because of this, the overall complexity of systems and their interactions has also escalated. This decomposition has led to Twitter managing hundreds of services across our datacenters.

The Man Who Would Build a Computer the Size of the Entire Internet

Google runs its web empire on computers the size of warehouses.

Should you build it if nobody comes?

Not long ago I received an E-mail from an energetic and talented developer who was tackling an ambitious software project. He asked if I had any advice to pass along. It all came flooding back. The daydreams. Springing out of bed in the dead of night because an idea can't wait.

The Algorithm

In this document, I describe what is, in my humble but correct opinion, the best known algorithm for threading messages (that is, grouping messages together in parent/child relationships based on which messages are replies to which others.

The Big Calculator Gone Crazy

In this article I'm going to discuss a problem few people think of. Computer simulation of various processes becomes more and more widespread.

Why I don’t use a Parser Generator

Parser generators, like ANTLR or Bison, seem like great tools. Yet when I have to write a parser I now tend to steer clear of them, resorting to writing one manually. When I posted my first entry about Cloverleaf I was asked why I don’t use these tools.

NSA: Possibly breaking US laws, but still bound by laws of computational complexity

Update (Sept. 9): Reading more about these things, and talking to friends who are experts in applied cryptography, has caused me to do the unthinkable, and change my mind somewhat.

for-GET/know-your-http-well · GitHub

HTTP headers, media types, methods, relations and status codes, all summarized and linking to their specification. Just take a look at ./json/*.json.

Homegrown DevOps Tools at Stack Exchange

A lot of tools available in IT/Sysadmin/Ops/DevOps are disappointing: They don’t fit your environment. They lack features or our designed for a different sort of environment (i.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.