Rob Janssen

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Autonomy of a unit test

In my spare time I maintain a unit testing library built for Unity3D. It’s called UnTest, it’s open-sourced under the MIT license, and you can download it here.

What is "Open Recursion"? –

Someone on StackOverflow stumbled onto the strange term “open recursion” and asked what it meant. Since most of the other answers to this online are pretty opaque, I started writing an answer. But then I accidentally wrote a blog post.

4 Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started My Software Development Career

My software development career began about 15 years ago. But only in about the last 5 years did I really start to see a large boost in my software development career.

Please Use Labels Properly

Another issue that I frequently see junior web developers have trouble with is proper use of the <label> element. To check that box one has to carefully aim her cursor to a tiny square with ninja-like precision. Doable, but no fun.

Cartesian Tree-Product

I have to admit that my day-to-day life involves very little algorithmic problems, but here and there I get a chance to think. In this post, I'd like to discuss an interesting problem that I've met several times already in my programming career, each time in different settings.

The Next Generation Query Planner

The task of the "query planner" is to figure out the best algorithm or "query plan" to accomplish an SQL statement. Beginning with SQLite version 3.8.0, the query planner component has been rewritten so that it runs faster and generates better plans.

Remember to build for failures

The Internet is abuzz with talk about failures of the cloud again after a brief AWS outage yesterday in the us-east region that managed to take some high profile sites offline for most of an hour.

Mind the Gap

UI implementation has an almost natural tendency to diverge from its intended design. Those beautiful pixel-perfect design comps go through the brutal reality of software development in the form of deadlines, roadmap changes, miscommunication, platform limitations, and bugs, lots of bugs.

Web Essentials 2013: Where is the TypeScript support?

When Web Essentials was ported to Visual Studio 2013, a lot of features was removed. This was because many of those features were built directly in to Visual Studio 2013 and therefore no longer needed support by Web Essentials.

How does Trello access the user's clipboard?

Disclosure: I wrote the code that Trello uses; the code below is the actual source code Trello uses to accomplish the clipboard trick. We don't actually "access the user's clipboard", instead we help the user out a bit by selecting something useful when they press Ctrl+C.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.