Rob Janssen

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The SCUMM Diary: Stories behind one of the greatest game engines ever made

This article is being highlighted on Gamasutra as one of the best stories of 2013. SCUMM might "just" be a video game engine -- but it's a video game engine that can elicit emotions nearly as strong as the games that it powers.

The Katana Project - OWIN for ASP.NET

Join your guides Brady Gaster and Cory Fowler as they talk to the product teams in Redmond as well as the web community. In this episode, Brady and Cory talk to Howard Dierking about the Katana Project. Katana, as Howard explains, is how developers can do OWIN hosting within ASP.NET.

But what does it all mean?

This year before NDC, I wrote an article for the conference edition of "The Developer" magazine. Follow that link to find the article in all its illustrated glory (along with many other fine articles, of course) – or read on for just the text.

Visual Studio 2013 IDE

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Is Unicode Safe?

Unicode is just too complex to ever be secure. — Bruce Schneier, 2000 Over the last 25 years Unicode has succeeded. It hasn't displaced all other character encodings, but it's clearly on its way there.

Common Code Smells

You may have heard the term “code smells” lately, it seems its being talked about frequently again. In this short post I’ll explain what they are, and a few of them you may run across. A Code Smell is just a fancy word for an indicator of a bigger problem with your code.

Making Code Reasonable

Written by on August 28, 2013.

Do whatever makes you happy is a lie

I’m an entrepreneur who started building my startup because it’s what I thought would make me happy. As a web developer, I just wanted to build that product that was hot in my mind for some months.

Memory – Part 3: Managing memory

In the previous articles we dealt with memory classification and analysis from an outer point of view. We saw that memory can be allocated in different ways with various properties. In the remaining articles of the series we will take a developer point of view.


We see so much emotional discussion about software process, design practices and the like. Many of these arguments are impossible to resolve because the software industry lacks the ability to measure some of the basic elements of the effectiveness of software development.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.