Rob Janssen

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System.IO.Pipelines: High performance IO in .NET

System.IO.Pipelines is a new library that is designed to make it easier to do high performance IO in .NET. It’s a library targeting .NET Standard that works on all .NET implementations. Pipelines was born from the work the .

Readable Code

Can you read the code you wrote today, last week, last year? The positive impact authoring readable code can have on your career can be enormous. We spend far more time reading code than writing it. So how can we turn this to our benefit? We’ll explore actionable techniques that will enable you to

SOLID Principles Around You

In this article I want to briefly go through SOLID principles (acronym that stands for five basic principles of object-oriented programming and design) supplying each of them with real-world visual examples to make those principles more understandable, readable and memorizable.

In MySQL, never use “utf8”. Use “utf8mb4”.

This is a UTF-8 client and a UTF-8 server, in a UTF-8 database with a UTF-8 collation. The string, “? <…”, is valid UTF-8. But here’s the rub: MySQL’s “utf8” isn’t UTF-8.

Don’t Eat Before Reading This

Good food, good eating, is all about blood and organs, cruelty and decay. It’s about sodium-loaded pork fat, stinky triple-cream cheeses, the tender thymus glands and distended livers of young animals.

Truth First, or Why You Should Mostly Implement Database First Designs

In this much overdue article, I will explain why I think that in almost all cases, you should implement a “database first” design in your application’s data models, rather than a “Java first” design (or whatever your client language is), the latter approach leading to a long road of pain

Railway Oriented Programming

Upcoming SlideShare Loading in …5 × Railway Oriented Programming 1. Railway Oriented Programming A functional approach to error handling What do railways have to do with programming? 2.

The real power of Linux executables – Own your bits

What happens when a file gets executed in Linux? What does it mean that a file is executable? Can we only execute compiled binaries? What about shell scripts then? If I can execute shell scripts, what else can I execute? In this article we will try to answer those questions.

A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS – Mozilla Hacks : the Web developer blog

Threats to users’ privacy and security are growing. At Mozilla, we closely track these threats. We believe we have a duty to do everything we can to protect Firefox users and their data. We’re taking on the companies and organizations that want to secretly collect and sell user data.

UTC is Enough for Everyone, Right?

Programming time is pretty weird. It can sometimes make you feel week in the knees, and very days and confused about how it all fits together. But watch it: this is hour burden to bear, and we can't just let it past us over.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.