Rob Janssen

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Old csproj to new csproj: Visual Studio 2017 upgrade guide

You may have heard the buzz: .NET Core went from the project.json to csproj file format, and the new csproj format is leaner, easier to read, and adds new features. But what about your .

What We Talk About When We Talk About Performance

Describing performance improvements exists at the intersection of mathematics and linguistics. It is quite common to use incorrect math to describe performance improvements, and it is possible to use incorrect, misleading, or just sub-optimal rhetoric to describe your math. AirTrain Inc.

Demystifying LINQ

REST is the new SOAP

Some years ago, I developed a new information system in a big telecom company. We had to communicate with an increasing number of web services, exposed by older systems or by business partners. Needless to say, we had our fair share of SOAP Hell.

To Close Or Not To Close

Have you ever wondered if it’s better to “close” a br or input tag like <br /> or if it’s better to just write <br> in HTML5? Or why it’s not correct to write <script src="script.

The Death of Microservice Madness in 2018

Microservices became a very popular topic in over the last couple of years1. 'Microservice madness' goes something like this: Netflix are great at devops. Netfix do microservices. Therefore: If I do microservices, I am great at devops.

The art of the error message

The concept of “embracing failure” is big in the tech industry. Fail fast, fail often! is almost an industry mantra. But there’s an everyday type of failure that doesn’t get much attention in the product development process. That’s right. The humble error message.

I’m harvesting credit card numbers and passwords from your site. Here’s how.

The following is a true story. Or maybe it’s just based on a true story. Perhaps it’s not true at all. It’s been a frantic week of security scares?—?it seems like every day there’s a new vulnerability.

What is Cake?

Cake (C# Make) is a cross platform build automation system with a C# DSL to do things like compiling code, copy files/folders, running unit tests, compress files and build NuGet packages. Cake is built on top of the Roslyn and Mono compiler which enables you to write your build scripts in C#.

The Polly Project

Today we released Polly v5.0 in alpha to Nuget. This is the next step in making Polly a much wider resilience framework for .NET, as Hystrix is for Java. This is an exciting day for us, and one we've been working toward for several months. Not only have we pushed out a major release (v5.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.