You may have heard that the NSA can decrypt SSH at least some of the time. If you have not, then read the latest batch of Snowden documents now. All of it. This post will still be here when you finish. My goal with this post here is to make NSA analysts sad.
Mobile App Development made easy with Visual Studio and XamarinLast month, we announced that Microsoft acquired Xamarin and welcomed the Xamarin team to Microsoft. Today, in his Build 2016 keynote, Scott Guthrie laid out our plans for how Xamarin and Visual Studio will come together.
Developers can run Bash Shell and user-mode Ubuntu Linux binaries on Windows 10In that past, that $ prompt meant "not for me" as a Windows user. Of course, I didn't always find the prompts that worked like I did. But today at BUILD in the Day One keynote Kevin Gallo announced that you can now run "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.
Microsoft is adding the Linux command line to Windows 10Microsoft is reaching out to Linux developers in a way that the company never has before. "The Bash shell is coming to Windows. Yes, the real Bash is coming to Windows," said Microsoft's Kevin Gallo on stage at today's Build 2016 keynote.
?Microsoft and Canonical partner to bring Ubuntu to Windows 10According to sources at Canonical, Ubuntu Linux's parent company, and Microsoft, you'll soon be able to run Ubuntu on Windows 10. This will be more than just running the Bash shell on Windows 10.
Microsoft is bringing the Bash shell to Windows 10Here is an announcement from Microsoft Build you probably didn’t see coming: Microsoft today announced that it is bringing the GNU project’s Bash shell to Windows.
How bad is the Windows command line really?Kevin Gallo just announced Bash support on Windows. If you have never had to interact with the Windows Batch language, this might not seem like such a big deal. Surely Batch could not be substantially worse than Bash, right?
Bot FrameworkFor nearly two decades, I’ve been writing some form of code. But, the primary reason I code has changed over time. In the beginning, I wrote code simply to make something real.
Pulley Logic GatesThe essence of digital computing is the use of continuous physical states to represent a discrete number of symbols and the ability to perform logic based on those symbols. Although electronic circuits are exceptionally well-suited for this, any system that can handle symbols as both input and outpu
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.