Rob Janssen

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Why composition is superior to inheritance as a way of sharing code

Inheritance is one of the pillars of Object-oriented programming (OOP), the other two being polymorphism and encapsulation. Inheritance is therefore centre stage whenever OOP is discussed. There are several flavours of inheritance however.

How an internet mapping glitch turned a random Kansas farm into a digital hell

An hour’s drive from Wichita, Kansas, in a little town called Potwin, there is a 360-acre piece of land with a very big problem. The plot has been owned by the Vogelman family for more than a hundred years, though the current owner, Joyce Taylor née Vogelman, 82, now rents it out.

Give it five minutes

A few years ago I used to be a hothead. Whenever anyone said anything, I’d think of a way to disagree. I’d push back hard if something didn’t fit my world-view. It’s like I had to be first with an opinion – as if being first meant something.

Accidentally Quadratic — node.js left-pad

If you’re a programmer, there’s a good chance you noticed the node.js left-pad fiasco of a few weeks back that temporarily broke most of the npm ecosystem. This blog doesn’t have an opinion on any of that.

The revenge of the listening sockets

Back in November we wrote a blog post about one latency spike. Today I'd like to share a continuation of that story. As it turns out, the misconfigured rmem setting wasn't the only source of added latency. It looked like Mr Wolf hadn't finished his job.

HP's new logo is the awesome one it never used

HP is launching a global brand offensive today with the ultra-thin Spectre 13 laptop, and one of the subtler changes the company is making is to its logo.

How Great Programmers Avoid Bugs

Prologue Some programmers are very good. What makes them so good? In this essay, we look at top programmers to see what techniques we can copy from them and use in our own programming. Bob Martin is a famous advocate of test driven development. His rule: no code can be written without a test.

LegacyJIT-x86 and first method call

An interesting fact: if you call Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() before the first call of the Sum method, you improve Sum performance several times (works only with LegacyJIT-x86). The only difference between these programs is the Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() call.

My Favorite Paradox — Dev Curious — Medium

Here’s one more example of Simpson’s Paradox in action. I felt like two classic examples with hard numbers were better for learning. But this is such a good story I had to squeeze it in. This is all from a 2012 post titled Page Weight Matters.

Wetenschappers maken programmeertaal voor cellen

Wetenschappers hebben een programmeertaal ontwikkeld waarmee cellen aangestuurd kunnen worden. Dat werkt doordat de geschreven code wordt omgezet in een streng dna, die vervolgens in de cellen wordt aangebracht.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.