Choosing dates using a date picker has been one of the most commonly followed design trends across a plethora of websites. In order to make this process a lot more intuitive and seamless I decided to work on a few different options for picking dates.
Sharding & IDs at InstagramWith more than 25 photos & 90 likes every second, we store a lot of data here at Instagram.
ORMs under the hoodIt often happens that if something is loved, it is also hated with the same power. The idea of object relational mapping fits into this concept perfectly. You will definitely come across many opposite points and fierce discussions as well as unwavering advocates and haters.
Sharp Regrets: Top 10 Worst C# FeaturesThough C# has many great features, a handful could have been designed differently or omitted entirely, says Eric Lippert, who should know, because he served on the design committee. The co-author of Essential C# 6.0, Fifth Edition shares his personal top 10 (bottom 10?) C# design annoyances.
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Pocket · gnu.glI haven’t used Firefox as my primary browser in many years, so I have to admit that I hadn’t heard of Pocket until I saw this Bugzilla bug in a Hacker News post. In short, the Mozilla Foundation bundled what is essentially an opt-out, non-removable Pocket extension into all versions of Firefox.
Intel just open sourced Stephen Hawking’s speech system and it’s a .NET 4.5 WinForms app that you can try for yourselfDisclaimer: This post does not constitute an endorsement of any Microsoft service, technology or product by Stephen Hawking. The purpose of this post is to discuss Intel’s communication platform for individuals with disabilities and it’s technical details.
STOP! Having Trouble?My concerns started when I opened the box. To the left of the H10 was a plastic bag with the manual etc. On the top of the plastic bag, plain to see was a bright orange piece of paper with:
Kodak’s First Digital MomentImagine a world where photography is a slow process that is impossible to master without years of study or apprenticeship. A world without iPhones or Instagram, where one company reigned supreme. Such a world existed in 1973, when Steven Sasson, a young engineer, went to work for Eastman Kodak.
For 40 years, computer scientists looked for a solution that doesn’t existFor 40 years, computer scientists have tried in vain to find a faster way to do an important calculation known as “edit distance.
5 Types of Programming Comments to AvoidThis Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.