It's because I'm so humble, obviously. Allow me to illustrate with an excerpt from the personal character chapter of McConnell's Code Complete 2.0: Programming work is essentially unsupervisable because no one ever really knows what you're working on.
Tilca Technology: Rules of Refactoring ClubI’m a professional YouTube creator. Some people think that this is some kind of joke but I have 30 employees. All of them work in the online video industry, about half of them work directly on producing videos for our educational YouTube channels. We’re a small, profitable business.
History's Worst Software BugsLast month automaker Toyota announced a recall of 160,000 of its Prius hybrid vehicles following reports of vehicle warning lights illuminating for no reason, and cars' gasoline engines stalling unexpectedly.
Why you should wait on upgrading to .Net 4.6What follows is the work of several people: Marc Gravell and I have taken lead on this at Stack Overflow and we continue to coordinate with Microsoft on a resolution. They have fixed the bug internally, but not for users.
Apple plet bug die voor datacorruptie op MacBook Pro-ssd kon zorgenApple heeft een firmware-update uitgegeven die ervoor moet zorgen dat een bug in de ssd van sommige MacBook Pro-modellen wordt gerepareerd. Volgens de fabrikant kon de fout in sommige gevallen zorgen voor corrupte databestanden. De bewuste firmware-update is op de website van Apple gepubliceerd.
Microsoft brengt Visual Studio 2015 en .Net 4.6 uitMicrosoft heeft Visual Studio 2015 en .Net 4.6 uitgebracht. De grootste wijziging in Visual Studio is dat ontwikkelaars niet alleen apps kunnen maken voor Windows Phone, maar ook voor iOS en Android.
Two Wrongs, The Mystery of the Deterministic Super ShotgunOkay, I've caught a cold. If I try to move, snot flies everywhere. My brain is working at 5% capacity and I need to entertain myself somehow, so here you go: In a recent discussion, the case of the Doom random number generation popped up.
Material Design LiteThe MDL components are created with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. You can use the components to construct web pages and web apps that are attractive, consistent, and functional.
Encryption's holy grail is getting closer, one way or anotherWhether it's a reaction to the Snowden revelations, a reaction to the continual news of massive data breaches, or just the obvious need to secure data in the cloud -- or all of the above -- new technologies for working directly on encrypted data are getting plenty of attention.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.