Rob Janssen

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Writing High Performing Code

Over the years I’ve asked myself the question numerous times, “How do you produce code that performs well both from a business and IT perspective”. Unfortunately I keep stumbling across businesses who are in the process of re-writing their core business applications…. and I wonder why.

liuxinyu95/AlgoXY · GitHub

You can clone with HTTPS or Subversion.

First-Class Failure

As a developer, nothing makes me more nervous than third-party dependencies and things that can fail in unpredictable ways1.

The web request is a scary place

Sometime in the middle of 2013 I was working on a project that began having  server cpu spiking issues. After several failed attempts to decipher what was going on I began pulling my hair out, its been falling out every since.

Your Interface is what Matters

Programming is a deeply humbling activity. What else could you say of an activity and profession where it's common knowledge that you'll never write bug-free code? That regardless of how hard one tries, it's not enough.

The Economic Value of Rapid Response Time

This paper was published in November, 1982 and was written by: Walter J. Doherty, Manager of Systems Performance and Technology Transfer for the Computing Systems Department at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center Ahrvind J.

System Administration Screencasts

Sysadmin Casts - simple bite sized sysadmin screencasts (released weekly) Browse Episodes #28 - CLI Monday: cat, grep, awk, sort, and uniq (Duration: 7 minutes, Published: Jul 14, 2014) In this episode, I would like to show you a series of commands for reviewing log data, how to extract eve

The Nature of Code

Hello! By browsing the table of contents on your left, you can read the entire text of this book online for free, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Please submit corrections to the book on my Nature of Code GitHub repo.

Optimizing dynamic JavaScript with inline caches · sq/JSIL Wiki · GitHub

This is an overview of an optimization technique I've been using in JSIL for a while, where you create and update polymorphic inline caches in your JavaScript code at runtime so that it can stay fast while adapting to unexpected changes.

Tradeoffs in High Performance Software

I’ve spent down the past week tracking down an absolutely brutal bug inside Akka.NET. Sometimes the CPU utilization of the system will randomly jump from 10% to 100% and stay pegged like that until the process is recycled.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.