Rob Janssen

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React 2014 : Erik Meijer - What does it mean to be Reactive?

The inimitable Erik Meijer delivering his opening keynote to React 2014

The Honest Answer To: “Can I learn to code?”

We are seeing it more and more, PSA’s and sites like Code Academy urging everyone to learn to write code. We are also seeing a new class of ‘entrepreneurs’ who quickly realize they lack the coding skills required to make their idea a reality.

Why Not Erlang? The Lack of Onramps

Garret Smith gave a talk titled "Why the Cool Kids Don't Use Erlang" at the 2014 Erlang User Conference.

hakka labs beta

Big data processing with Apache Hadoop, Spark, Storm and friends is all the rage right now. But getting started with one of these systems requires an enormous amount of infrastructure, and there are an overwhelming number of decisions to be made.

How we build microservices at Karma

“Microservices” and “Microservice Architecture” are hot buzz words in the development community right now, but concrete examples of microservices in production are still scarce.

Are you monitoring the health of your software?

Software projects tend to become more and more complex as they evolve. This complexity, if not managed, can contribute in an important way to the project failure. One of the parts that are more exposed to a complexity increase is source code.

Evaluating persistent, replicated message queues (updated w/ Kafka)

Message queues are useful in a number of situations; for example when we want to execute a task asynchronously, we enqueue it and some executor eventually completes it. Depending on the use case, the queues can give various guarantees of message persistence and delivery.

The Art of Computer Programming: Random Numbers

This chapter is from the book ? In this excerpt from Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd Edition, Donald E. Knuth introduces the concept of random numbers and discusses the challenge of inventing a foolproof source of random numbers.

Cognitive Biases in Software Engineering

Human logic, unlike that of the machines which we program and use every day, isn't perfect. We make mistakes, we establish bad mental habits, and we have many cognitive biases that negatively impact our ability to be successful engineers.

9 Things I Learned as a Software Engineer — Medium

Three years ago I was working in a neuroscience lab in Barcelona, busy putting electrodes on people and teaching classes on cognitive systems. Today I design and write software for a living.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.