Rob Janssen

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Swiss Army Knife Syndrome · Random ramblings about code, programming and technology

I apologize beforehand if this article is more of a rant than usual. The inspiration for the "Swiss Army Knife Syndrome" came from my frustration in dealing with project managers, clients, and even other developers, that think in too much of a narrow, particular way.

C++ benchmarks: vector vs list vs deque

This post shows the results of several benchmarks I wrote to verify the performance of 3 C++ STL containers: vector, list and deque. The operations tested are insertion at the end of the container, insertion at random positions and removal of elements from random positions.

3T Software Labs Blog — MongoDB Query and Updating Corner Cases

First coming as a developer from a traditional RDBMS to a NoSQL database like MongoDB can be a truly liberating experience. For example, not being forced into a fixed schema and being able to dynamically add fields along the way as and where you need them is just fantastic.


9,075 views A simple case study around HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the engine of application state), an essential constraint of the REST architecture style A simple case study around HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the engine of application state), an essential constraint of the REST architecture style

Treat Your API Like A Product

Last week, we were at API Days Berlin. The event was a great success: sold out with about 250 developers attending. I was a speaker with Mehdi, our co-Founder. Here are my slides. If you are interested, you can also check my article on Programmableweb, about why APIs need Product Managers.

Always Be Delivering – Time Management Tips for Software Developers from Sales

Ten years ago, I “took a break” from software development and picked up some time management tips for software developers from an unexpected place.

Undefined Behavior *Can* Format Your Drive

My last post mentioned the ‘standard’ risks of undefined behavior such as having your hard drive formatted or having nethack launched. I even added my own alliterative risk – singing sea shanties in Spanish.

4 Things I Learned the Hard Way While Freelancing

During the first two years of freelancing, I discovered a bunch of things that I wish I knew before. So this is me, time travelling back to the past and teaching the younger self how to have great time while freelancing.

You are what you document

Hey, grab a seat - we need to talk about documentation. Now, I know what you're thinking: documentation is tedious, a chore, an afterthought, a redundant source of information given your beautiful, self-documenting code.

Unobtrusive JavaScript vs. Declarative Templates

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? Suppose I'm familiar with developing client-side applications in jQuery, but now I'd like to start using AngularJS.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.