Rob Janssen

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Life is Beautiful (3D Animated Short Film)

Anton may be done with life, but life ain’t done with Anton. In his convincing decision to change his measly existence he discovers the real greatness of life. 'Life is Beautiful' is a 3D animation short made with support of Caviar Amsterdam, animation studio Fube, the dutch filmfund and the

10 Commandments of a Software Developer

Software development is not an easy profession. You have to constantly learn new things to improve your coding skills and make sure you produce better and cleaner code over time. It’s not difficult, but you have to be aware of a few basic principles.

Why VividCortex Uses MySQL

With all the choice of database systems today, why does VividCortex use MySQL? Given my expertise in MySQL, you might assume that I chose it simply because that's what I know. That's part of it, but there are other reasons too.

HTML5: a Canvas Deep Dive

HTML 5 is enorm krachtig. Alleen al het Canvas element levert een enorm scala aan mogelijkheden, voor webapplicaties én voor Windows Apps. Van dynamische rapportages tot games en van video bewerking tot Motion detection.

Use your HTML 5 skills to build Apps for Office (and SharePoint)

Sinds Office 2013 is er een zeer interessant nieuw ontwikkelplatform beschikbaar. Het is namelijk mogelijk om Apps voor Office te bouwen door middel van HTML5.

Building a HTML5/Javascript App from start to finish

Deze sessie is gericht op iedereen die geen deep-dive wil in een specifiek onderwerp, maar juist een goed overzicht nodig heeft van alles wat er komt kijken bij het ontwikkelen van een App voor Windows 8.1. Naar aanleiding van een aantal eenvoudige Apps, gaan we de verschillende facetten bekijken.

UX Basics: Designing For Your Mom

If you want to create a User eXperience (UX) that anyone will be able to use, start by thinking, “could my mom use this?” No offense to the moms! But as Andi Galpern points out, excellent UX design means an experience that anyone, even someone who might be a little less tech-savvy, can understa

How Disqus Went Realtime with 165K Messages Per Second and Less than .2 Seconds Latency

Here's an Update On Disqus: It's Still About Realtime, But Go Demolishes Python. How do you add realtime functionality to a web scale application? That's what Adam Hitchcock, a Software Engineer at Disqus talks about in an excellent talk: Making DISQUS Realtime (slides).

NoSQL? No, SQL! – How to Calculate Running Totals

Java developers don’t know SQL. And it isn’t even necessarily our fault. We’re just not exposed to SQL nowadays.

What it really means to be a “junior” developer.

Friday evening, I received an email from a buddy of mine who, right out of college (Rochester Institute of Technology), is working for a very promising and well funded startup doing C++ systems programming and machine learning. Below is a small chunk of his email.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.