In his book “Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder”, Nassim Taleb introduces the concept of Antifragility, which is the opposite of Fragility. The main question is how things react to volatility (such as randomness, errors, uncertainty, stressors and time).
Getting Too Cute with C# Yield ReturnI ran across a method that returned an IEnumerable<T> recently, and I implicitly typed its return value. During the course of a series of method extractions, code movement, and general refactoring, I wound up with some code that passed the various unit tests in place but failed curiously at runtime.
VS and .NET tip :- Creating TasklistPreparing for C# / .NET interviews start here this video we will see how to create a simple tasklist using tasklist tokens.For more such videos visit us @
Why PHP doesn’t suck anymoreChances are if you have been in web development for any amount of time you have done some work with PHP and maybe it was a great experience like it was for me, or perhaps it was hours and hours of digging through WordPress code to figure out why a plugin wasn’t working.
Why Are WebRequests Throttled? I Want More Throughput!By default, a web browser – or in this case any .Net application that uses the System.Net.WebRequest class – will only allow up to 2 simultaneous threads at a time per host domain. One way to lift this limit is to run Fiddler. It bypasses this limit and you can see much more throughput.
AReallyGoodName/OfflineReverseGeocode · from that site is comprehensive however if you're on mobile try the file. It's 1/80th of the size.
GeoNamesThe GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eight million placenames that are available for download free of charge. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Asynchronous programmingI was invited again to the Brisbane C# Mobile Developers to celebrate Xamarin's 3rd Birthday by delivering a half an hour talk on asynchronous programming. Asynchronous programming is more important than ever and it's extremely important to understand what is going on when we're working with it.
Must-See Tech Talks for Every ProgrammerI love a good tech talk. I like to watch them, I like to give them, and now that I have lots of free time on my hands, I've put together a list of the must-see talks for every programmer.
Duality and the End of ReactiveErik Meijer opens Day 2 with a talk on the end of "reactive", duality, and the usual epic musings of the Erik Meijer mind :) Warning: This is unedited for content, so there are a few f-bombs. I guess then that this is rated PG-13.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.