I’ve been a software engineer, a novelist, a journalist, and a manager–and managing developers is easily the trickiest thing I’ve ever done. (Not the hardest. But the trickiest.) I don’t pretend to be an expert, or a great manager.
The Master, The Expert, The ProgrammerI spent most of my high school years living on Guam trying to stay alive long enough to leave and start a new life. It wasn’t a good time for me, and about the only good thing that came out of it was I started studying martial arts.
Do’s and Don’ts of Code CommentsComments in code are arguably more important than the code itself. Future you will thank present you if you are a good commenting citizen. I have read a ton of code in my lifetime and have come across some pretty amazing comments, but mostly awful ones.
Fading MemoriesIs a question we, Krita developers, get asked a lot. As in, many times a week. Some people are confused enough that they think that github is somehow the "official" place to put git repositories -- more official than projects.kde.org, phabricator.kde.org, git.gnome.org or where-ever else.
ØMQ - The Guide - ØMQ - The GuideTL;DR: I design short wrapper scripts to send batch jobs to a cluster. The first architecture (ventilator-worker-sink) is suboptimal, therefore I consider another pattern to dispatch the jobs efficiently. Recently I had to make a big chunk of computations for a publication related to my PhD.
It’s a trap! Systems traps in software development — MediumHave you ever attempted to improve a situation only to find that you've made things worse? Have you ever followed conventional ‘best practice’ only to find that it’s just not working as you’d hoped? Does it ever feel like the more you try, the worse things get?
Why You Should Never Use MongoDBDisclaimer: I do not build database engines. I build web applications. I run 4-6 different projects every year, so I build a lot of web applications. I see apps with different requirements and different data storage needs.
Microservices with C# and RabbitMQMicroservices are groupings of lightweight services, interconnected, although independent of each other, without direct coupling or dependency.
The dark side of .io: How the U.K. is making web domain profits from a shady Cold War land dealThe .io country code top-level domain is pretty popular right now, particularly among tech startups that want to take advantage of the snappy input/output reference and the relative availability of names — Fusion.io, Wise.io and Import.io are just a few examples.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.