Whether it be rock or rap, metal or country, no genre of music has been left untouched by the influence of science fiction. Here are the 100 greatest songs about science fiction. A couple of years ago we presented the top 100 essential albums for science fiction fans.
Don’t Believe Anyone Who Tells You Learning To Code Is EasyOne of the most dangerous things I’ve seen happen to people who are just starting to code is being told that it’s easy. Drawing by me. (I am better at coding than drawing.)
What's wrong with pcap filters?I recently watched a video of a great talk on the early days of pcap by Steve McCanne.
The End of Software VersionsSoftware version numbers are the crack cocaine of change management. They are an easy and attractive path to serious long term stress and pain. The worst ever distress in the ZeroMQ community came from allowing library version numbers to define compatibility.
C# Futures: Method ContractsFor several years, developers have had the ability to add method level contracts via the Code Contracts research project. But this has a number of problems. It uses an imperative syntax that is verbose and poorly supported by tooling.
Let's talk about time with Patrik Fa¨ltstro¨m - Google Tech Talk MeetupA presentation about the challenges and opportunities with time, at Google Tech Talk Stockholm.Find all future meetups at http://www.meetup.com/Google-Tech-Tal...
Protect your software with the Circuit Breaker design patternLife as a software developer is definitely lived in the fast lane. After weeks and hours of cranking out the code to get the features developed, and after the builds and tests are green and QA stamps its seal of approval, the code is deployed to Production.
Red Blob GamesI explore visual and interactive ways of explaining math and computer algorithms, especially those used in computer games.
The need for timezone awarenessIf your software is only used in a single timezone, you might think that timezones are not necessary to think about. But being aware of the timezone is necessary in more situations than what most people assume.
How dependency lines work in Object-oriented designWhen you look at an object dependency graph, it's not 100% clear how to read it. When one object points to another, what does that mean exactly? Below is an obvious example of a class having a name dependency on another object. In this case a Car object has a dependency on an Engine object.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.